
Welcome to InnerBalane 🌿 , your trusted resource for mental health support and information. Join us on your journey to better mental well-being.

Primary LanguageCSS

🚀 About the Project

Welcome to InnerBalane 🌿 , your trusted resource for mental health support and information. Join us on your journey to better mental well-being.

🛠 Tech-stack

Javascript, HTML, CSS...

🔗 Links

portfolio linkedin


Color Hex
Color bg(main) #098cc4 #098cc4
Color sec #000 #000
Font color #fff #fff
Color 2 #C850C0 #C850C0


  • Responsive

  • Interactive cursor

  • Fullscreen mode

  • Subtle animations


📚Low-fi wireframing and Research

Here is the low-fi wireframing, I usually use a pencil and a journal for my wireframing! WhatsApp Image 2023-07-09 at 8 03 04 PM

Some of my notes while building this project WhatsApp Image 2023-07-09 at 8 03 52 PM