The goal of this project was to make simpler game development tool that could be used by beginner to intermediate developer. A use case for our tool: A teacher who wants to teach their students loops. They want the game to have sound effects, graphics, and motion control.
- Visual Studio
- Put the cocos2d folder in the root directory of the project (This is just the folder with all of the components of the cocos2d library, Link: Make sure this folder is called cocos2d
- Put the Resources folder in the root directory of the project (This just contains all of the assets for the game. Link: )
- Go to proj.win32 and open up CSP.sln in Visual Studio.
- F7 to build.
- Open up Visual Studio Installer
- Go to your installed Visual Studio version and click "Modify"
- Go to the "Individual Components" tab
- Make sure the following components are installed: -Under "SDKs, libraries, and frameworks": -The Windows SDK for whatever version of Windows you're developing on (e.g. "Windows 8.1 SDK" for a Windows 8.1 machine) -"Windows Universal C Runtime" -Under "Compilers, build tools, and runtimes": -"Windows Universal CRT SDK"
- Checkbox(String, pointer* boolean) return boolean
- float_edit(String, pointer* float) return boolean
- float_edit(String, pointer* int min (optional), int max (optional)) return boolean
- text(format String ...) return;
- button(String) return boolean (clicked)
- text_field(String name, string pointer, boolean multiple lines, ) return boolean(string edit)
- unsigned8_edit(String name, u8 value,(optional) int min, (optional) int max) return boolean (u8 value means an unnsigned 8 bit integer)
- colorEdit(name,rbga values pointer) return boolean
- Dropdown menu
- Control Schemes
- Adding duplication functionality
- Changing placemenet of asset
- allowing user to select size of asset
- grid locking
Shivani Kohli
Parker Berry
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details