
Collection of Dockerfile for janusgateway along with configuration files

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Janus Docker

Setup your own janus server locally or on production environment hassle free. this repo contains both Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml for building as well as deployment of janus server.

Recommended way

Use Janus folder to build or deploy janus gateway using docker-compose it uses pre-build core image which comes with pre-installed janus gateway dependencies cuts down lot of compile time since nobody's got time to compile and wait for hours you can find JanusCoreDeps docker image here or can build your own if you got lot of time in this world. by using JanusCoreDeps folder it outputs docker image containing just janus peer dependencies


Env file

First of all Copy gcp key into converter folder, In janus folder you will find .env file which in which you can specify .

URI_CONV_ENDPOINT=<endpoint to decypt sip uri to make the call used by janus>
URI_CONV_AUTH_TOKEN=<utt external user token with required privileges>
RECORDING_UPLOAD_ENDPOINT=<endpoint where you want to upload the recording once ready>
GCP_AUTH_KEY_FILE='key.json' # must be placed in converter directory

after we process recording with the help of converter we upload it directly to google cloud bucket specified by GCS_BUCKET as is like <callId>.wav

Run containers

cd Janus
docker-compose up --build -d # note option -d to start it in detached mode


cd Janus
docker build -t dockerusername/janusgateway:latest .
docker run -d dockerusername/janusgateway:latest

volume in docker-compose

we have mounted /recordings as a volume so that we can do any post-processing on them for example converting them to single wav file from two mjr files using converter.py

Recording Conversion using converter

In janus folder you will find converter directory , which is basically a express server offering janus-event-handler webhook. inside the docker, converter container shares recordings volume with janus container so whenever there is new recording to be processed it converts it into <callId>.wav file and uploads the file to uticen endpoint of our choice with external user token associated to it. followed by removal of recording from shared recordings volume. Same idea can be extended to kubernetes in which janus pod and converter pod shares a common volume and communicate together as a single unit to make the recording file processing seamless