CPSC 304 - Relational Databases - Project - Online Calendar
Installation instructions
We're using Ubuntu for this project.
- Install MySQL
- Install Apache
- Install phpmyadmin (optional, for easily looking at the database, and to test SQL queries)
- Install mysqlnd extension: sudo apt-get install php5-mysqlnd
Setup instructions
Open phpmyadmin and log in
Go to the databases section, and create a new database called "calendar304"
Go to the privilges section for this database and click "Add user" to create a new MySQL user which will have full access to this database.
Use the following details for the new user:
- username: calendar304
- password: calendar304
Leave everything else to default settings.
Run the setup_database script under /api/test_scripts to create the tables and populate them with some test data. You should now be able to see the tables with test data in phpmyadmin.
Code formatting
- Max line limit is 80 characters
- Use 4 spaces per tab