Welcome to the Star Wars Character Explorer Android Application! This app allows you to explore a vast galaxy of Star Wars characters, providing a user-friendly interface with features to sort, filter, and delve into the details of each character's filmography.


  1. Character List View an extensive list of Star Wars characters, spanning across all the movies in the franchise. Easily navigate through the characters with smooth scrolling and a clean, intuitive design.
  2. Sorting Functionality Sort the character list based on different criteria such as alphabetical order, ascending or descending, and more. Quickly find your favorite characters or discover new ones with the sorting options tailored to your preferences.
  3. Filtering Options Apply filters to narrow down the character list based on specific criteria. Filter characters by affiliation (Jedi, Sith, Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, etc.) or any other relevant categories, making it convenient to find characters with similar attributes.
  4. Character Details Click on any character to access detailed information about them. Explore the character's filmography, including the movies they appeared in, along with relevant details such as release dates and roles played.

Technologies Used

MVVM with Clean Architecture: Followed the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern, along with Clean Architecture principles, to ensure separation of concerns, maintainability, and testability.

Room: Utilized for local database management, providing a robust and efficient solution for storing and retrieving character data.

Dagger Hilt: Employed for dependency injection, enhancing the modularity and maintainability of the codebase.

Jetpack Compose: Used to create a modern and declarative UI, allowing for a more intuitive and flexible user interface design.

API Data: Limited data is fetched from an API to create a demo UI, providing a seamless experience for users to explore the Star Wars universe.

Please note that pagination on the list screen has not been implemented due to time constraints.