
Welcome to the GitHub repository for our Totality-Store For Shoes built using Vite, React, Tailwind CSS, Auth0 for authentication, and Context Hook for managing product data and cart items.

Tech Stack

  • Vite: Fast build tool for efficient development.
  • React: Front-end library for dynamic interfaces.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
  • Auth0: Authentication and authorization platform.
  • Context Hook: State management for data and cart items.


  • User authentication with Auth0.
  • Navigation using React Router Dom.
  • Display of products with Name and Price.
  • "Add to Cart" functionality using Context Hook.
  • Cart display and total price calculation.
  • Filter products by category and price.
  • Responsive design with Tailwind CSS.


  1. Project Setup

  2. Routing

  3. Product Display

  4. Add to Cart

  5. Cart Display

  6. Filtering

  7. Authentication

  8. Documentation and Cleanup

  9. Deployment