Project Description

Full Stack MEAN Project with All the Qualities Of a Task List 🌐.

Technologies Used:

  • 🔥 JWT is Used For Authentication of Users And Admins
  • 🍃 MongoDB For saving and retrieving every bits and pieces of Data
  • 💙 AngularJS for handling the Frontend Development
  • 🟩 NodeJS/Express for the backend Development
  • TailwindCSS / MDB for UI Styles.

Steps For Hosting The Website Locally ==>

Step 1: Clone The Repository in any Folder

$ git clone

step 2: Installing dependencies in client folder:

npm install

**Step 3: start the FrontEnd Angular Server:

ng serve

## The Above Step Will start the Angular frontend Server Running on Port 4200

Step 5: Start a NEW TERMINAL WINDOW and follow the steps given next by changing the current directory to the directory where the repository was cloned:

$ cd server && touch .env

Step 6 : Environment variables setup for server-side

$ cat > .env


step 7.5: Installing dependencies in server folder:

npm install

Step 8: Run the Server

nodemon server.js

FINAL STEP: Go to Your Browser and type in the URL bar the Following:



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