A Time Capsule of My Projects

This repository is a snapshot of most of the work I have done over the past 5 years on Black Ops 3. Projects may not/will not build from source as small pieces are omitted. The purpose of this repo is strictly for reference purposes for future modders who may learn from this work. Some of these projects may be completed in the future, some may not.

Zombie Blood Rush

ZBR is my game mode that I have worked on for about 4 years. There are numerous improvements to the engine as well as many features added that may be useful to other people.


GSCU was my attempt at a brand new GSC vm that could be used anywhere. It is mostly completed and was just missing the development of it's API, with some bugs in the runtime.


All of the T7Patch source is included here, with most of it being in the ZBR repo (because ZBR and the patch are the same thing)


Some of my ideas that I never finished are also in here, and probably do not even slightly work. They are there just for people who are interested.