DICE Implementation for ExpertNet

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Our Paper Title

This repository is the implementation of "DICE: Deep Significance Clustering for Outcome-Driven Stratification".


To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Input data

Input datatrain.pkl, datavalid.pkl, datatest.pkl for training set, validation set and test set, respectively.

Data format: datatrain: List[ data_x, data_v, data_y]
data_x: List[List[list[float]]] of shape [data_size, seq_len, n_input_fea]
data_v: List[List[float]] of shape [data_size, n_dummy_demov_fea]
data_y: List[int] of shape [data_size]

where n_input_fea and n_dummy_demov_fea are the size of features at each timestamp and demographic features, respectively.


To train the model(s) in the paper, run the following commands:


Here in each bash file, we train the model with fixed K (number of clusters) and d ( dimension of representation), that is:

python DICE_HF.py --init_AE_epoch 1 --n_hidden_fea  $n_hidden_fea --input_path "./dataset/" 
--filename_train "datatrain.pkl" --filename_test "datavalid.pkl" --n_input_fea 360 
--n_dummy_demov_fea 9 --lstm_layer 1 --lr 0.0001 --K_clusters 2 --iter 60 
--epoch_in_iter 1 --lambda_AE 1.0 --lambda_classifier 1.0 --lambda_outcome 10.0 
--lambda_p_value 1.0 >k2hn$n_hidden_fea.log


      --init_AE_epoch: epoch for the representation initialization by AutoEncoder
      --n_hidden_fea: the dimension for representation, hn for short in the below content
      --input_path: data path 
      --filename_train: name of train file 
      --filename_test: name of test file 
      --n_input_fea: dimension of input file features 
      --n_dummy_demov_fea: number of features of v (dummy features of demographics) 
      --lr: learning rate 
      --K_clusters: number of clusters 
      --iter: interation of algorithm 
      --epoch_in_iter: number of epoch in each iteration 
      --lambda_AE: weight of AutoEncoder reconstration loss 
      --lambda_classifier: weight of cluster membership classifier loss 
      --lambda_outcome: weight of outcome classifier loss 
      --lambda_p_value: weight of significance difference constraint loss


      For each architer network (K, hn),  there would be a log file named k*hn*.log and a folder named 
      hn_*_K_*. The output model and datatrain with updated representation are stored in 
      ./hn_*_K_*/part2_AE_hnidden_*/model_iter.pt and data_train_iter.pickle, respectively.

Architecture search

After training, we do the neural architecture search based on the AUC score on validation set,

python NAS_DICE.py --training_output_path "./" --input_path "./dataset/"
--filename_train datatrain.pkl --filename_valid datavalid.pkl --filename_test datatest.pkl 
--n_input_fea 360 --n_dummy_demov_fea 9 


      --training_output_path: path of training output
      --input_path: data path 
      --filename_train: name of train file 
      --filename_valid: name of valid file
      --filename_test: name of test file 
      --n_input_fea: dimension of input file features 
      --n_dummy_demov_fea: number of features of v (dummy features of demographics) 


      We can find the best K and hn according to the last line of the log, such as:
final search result based on the maximum AUC score on validation set, K=4, hn=35


1. Visualization of representations, run

python representation_visualization.py --training_output_path "./" --input_path './dataset/'
 --filename_train datatrain.pkl --filename_valid datavalid.pkl --filename_test datatest.pkl 
 --n_input_fea 360 --n_dummy_demov_fea 9 --K_clusters 4 --n_hidden_fea 35


      --training_output_path: path of training output
      --input_path: data path 
      --filename_train: name of train file 
      --filename_valid: name of valid file
      --filename_test: name of test file 
      --n_input_fea: dimension of input file features 
      --n_dummy_demov_fea: number of features of v (dummy features of demographics) 
      --K_clusters: number of clusters
      --n_hidden_fea: the dimension for representation

Output: Figure named tsne_3d.png.

2. Clustering performance on test set, run

python clustering_metrics.py --training_output_path "./" --input_path "./dataset/" 
--filename_train datatrain.pkl --filename_valid datavalid.pkl 
--filename_test datatest.pkl --n_input_fea 360 --n_dummy_demov_fea 9 
--K_clusters 4 --n_hidden_fea 35

Parameters: the same as the former subsection.
Output: Silhouette score, Calinski-Harabasz score, Davies_Bouldin score.

3. Outcome prediction with representation as input, run

python outcome_prediction.py --training_output_path "./" --input_path "./dataset/" 
--filename_train datatrain.pkl --filename_valid datavalid.pkl 
--filename_test datatest.pkl --n_input_fea 360 --n_dummy_demov_fea 9 
--K_clusters 4 --n_hidden_fea 35

Parameters: the same as the former subsection.