It is made to fetch content of text based files from urls passed to it and save locally. Purposely for save js files.
go install
git clone && cd fetcher && go build && cp fetcher /usr/local/bin
fetcher -f urls.txt
Provide a file containing urls one per line and it will save them locally in
-f filepath
File containing URLs (one per line)
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -H "Cookie:session=abcd,X-Token:my-x-token"
-dir directory
It will create directory to save output in (default "fetched")
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -dir ~/Downloads/myFetchedFiles
-H "headers"
Headers to send with request (comma-separated)
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -H "Cookie:session=abcd,X-Token:my-x-token"
-proxy IP:PORT
Send all request through proxy (format: IP:PORT)
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -proxy
-r int
Number of retries, if a url doesn't responds for the first time (default 3)
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -r 6
Use a random user-agent for each request
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -ra
Silent mode, only output URLs that are fetched successfully
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -silent
-t int
Number of threads to use (default 60)
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -t 100
-x int
Timeout: Number of seconds to wait for response in seconds (default 12)
Example: fetcher -f urls.txt -x 5
flag, when used gives error[x] Failed to read response body for [$urls] after [$retires] attempts [tcp: user cancelled]
Improve code quality