
It is a book on class 12 Algebra for self-study so solutions of most problems have been given.

To produce pdf you will need texlive with xetex along with tikz, asynptote and make. You will also need Roboto and Latin Modern fonts installed to produce the PDF. Simply run make in the home directory and pdf will be output in build folder.

The pagsize can be controlled by following lines:

\documentclass[9pt, oneside, b5paper]{memoir}
%\documentclass[9pt, twoside, openright, showtrims]{memoir}
\usepackage[b5paper, total={5in, 7in}]{geometry}


If you want a different output page size then tune these parameters to your liking. The default paper size is B5 because that is what is most used paper size to print the books. Though you may want to make it twosize and openright in documentclass if you want to print and bind. Refer to geometry package docs for details.

Images which are drawn in Asymptote are in images directory and preprocessed as PDF so that build times are smaller.