
Online object detection

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Deployed using Azure App wervices :



Its a Web App for classifying Images .
Upload your Image and We will tell you the class and probability

Tech Used

1 . Tensorflow js
2 . JavaScript
3 . HTML , CSS
4 . NodeJs , Express , Express-fileupload

Model Used : MobileNet

Checkout more about mobilenet here : https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/mobilenet

How to use ?

Using LocalHost

1 . clone this project
2 . npm install
3 . npm start
4 . Just upload a photo by using the upload button and that's it !! You are good to go.

Using Virtual Machine

1 . Create a VM on Google cloud / Azure (os = linux)
2 . Open the SSH terminal
3 . Install Nodejs
4 . clone this project and * cd imgClassify *
5 . npm start

Note you have to change the src for the image accordingly