
Count Bot is a GroupMe bot designed to keep track of the message count in a group and respond to user's count requests.


Count Bot is quite versatile in the requests he can handle. He can return a total group message count or filter his count by any combination of username, dates, or specific message content. Count bot requests must begin with a '#' and may be followed by an optional series of parameters separated by '.'s. The basic format of a request is:



Below are examples of all the requests he will respond to.

All messages:


XXXX messages.

All messages from a single user:


User1 has posted XXXX messages.

All messages broken down by user (Note that "ALL" is a special case username that will return a message count for every user that has posted messages fitting the other parameters in descending order.):


User1 has posted XXXX messages.
User2 has posted XXXX messages.
User3 has posted XXXX messages.
UserN has posted XXXX messages.

All messages since a certain date (For now acceptable date formats are YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS. This is being worked on to be more natural in a future release.):

#..20170810                          //Date equals 00:00AM on August 10th, 2017

XXXX messages since 20170800.
#..20170810T083000                    //Date equals 8:30AM on August 10th, 2017

XXXX messages since 20170800T083000.

All messages up to a certain date:

#...20170904                          //Date equals 00:00AM on September 4th, 2017

XXXX messages before 20170800.
#...20170904T214523                    //Date equals 9:45:23PM on September 4th, 2017

XXXX messages before 20170800T083000.

All messages between two dates:


XXXX messages between 20170810T083000 and 20170904.

All messages containing a specific text string:


XXXX messages containing "🍞🔪".

These parameters can be combined to perform more complex queries such as:

All messages from a single user since a certain date containing a specific text string:


User1 has posted XXXX messages containing "🍞🔪" since 20170810.

Additionally you can supply username "ALL" on any query to get a list broken down by user:


User1 has posted XXXX messages containing "🍞🔪" between 20170810 and 20170910.
User2 has posted XXXX messages containing "🍞🔪" between 20170810 and 20170910.
User3 has posted XXXX messages containing "🍞🔪" between 20170810 and 20170910.
UserN has posted XXXX messages containing "🍞🔪" between 20170810 and 20170910.

If there are no messages matching the given parameters Count Bot will respond with:

Count Bot counts 0 messages matching those criteria.