
A React Native component for filling in SMS verification codes or passwords, for android and iOS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Screen Capture

Support for entering passwords, compatible with iOS and Android

android iOS Password
on Android on iOS use Password

The design idea is probably like this, showing an excellent hand drawing 🙈 🙈 🙈



$ npm install react-native-sms-verifycode --save


Basic Usage

Set the callback function when the input is complete, you can get the content input by the user.

import SMSVerifyCode from 'react-native-sms-verifycode'
  ref={ref => (this.verifycode = ref)}

onInputCompleted = (text) => {
	      text: '确定',

reset = () => {
	this.setState({codeText: ''})
android iOS all

Advanced Usage

Set the length of the verification code

import SMSVerifyCode from 'react-native-sms-verifycode'
  verifyCodeLength={4} // Set any number as needed, type must be number
android iOS iOS

Set Container's style

import SMSVerifyCode from 'react-native-sms-verifycode'
android android iOS

Set code view style

import SMSVerifyCode from 'react-native-sms-verifycode'
android iOS iOS

Set code style

import SMSVerifyCode from 'react-native-sms-verifycode'
  // codeColor={'#89C047'}
android iOS iOS


Prop PropType Default Value isRequired Description
autoFocus bool false NO Whether to automatically get the focus by default
verifyCodeLength number 6 NO length of the verification code
initialCodes array 6 NO The default is empty, if set, it will be automatically populated
containerStyle object null NO set container style
containerPaddingVertical number 0 NO container's paddingVertical
containerPaddingLeft number 0 NO set container paddingLeft
containerPaddingRight number 0 NO set container paddingRight
containerPaddingHorizontal number Automatic calculation based on the length of the verification code NO container's paddingHorizontal
containerBackgroundColor string #FDFFFD NO container's backgroundColor
codeViewStyle object null NO set code view style
codeViewWidth number Automatic calculation based on the length of the verification code NO width of code view
codeViewBorderColor string grey NO color of code view border
focusedCodeViewBorderColor string #1192F6 NO The color of the currently focused text box
codeViewBorderWidth number 1 NO width of code view border
codeViewBorderRadius number 5 NO radius of code view border
codeViewBackgroundColor string default NO code view background color
codeFontSize number default NO code font size
codeColor string #222222 NO color of code
secureTextEntry boolean false NO Set to true when entering a password,default is false
coverStyle object null NO cover style
coverRadius number codeFontSize / 2 NO cover radius
coverColor string black NO cover color
warningTitle string black NO When the input content is not a number, the title of the prompt box
warningContent string black NO When the input content is not a number, the content of the prompt box
warningButtonText string black NO When the input content is not a number, the button text of the prompt box


Name isRequired Description
onInputChangeText NO When the text in the input box changes, the method is called, and the latest value is returned.
onInputCompleted NO Callback method when input is complete
reset NO Clear the input and set the focus to the first input box, call using ref
blur NO Hide the keyboard, call using ref
focus NO Display keyboard, call using ref