
A MATLAB toolbox for performing information theory analyses of neuroscience data

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Neuroscience Information Theory Toolbox

A MATLAB toolbox for performing information theory analyses of neuroscience data

This toolbox contains software to perform numerous information theory analyses. The software is designed primarily with neuroscience applications in mind, but it could easily be applied to data from other research areas. Questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports can be posted to Github or emailed directly to Nicholas Timme (nicholas.m.timme@gmail.com).

%%% Getting Started %%%

Download the code to its own folder anywhere on your computer (probably your Matlab directory would make the most sense). Then, add the folder that contains the toolbox software to the Matlab search path. This can be done by clicking on 'Set Path' in the environment panel of newer versions of Matlab (File, then 'Set Path' in older versions). Then, click 'Add with Subfolders' and find the new folder where you located the software on your machine. Then click 'Save' at the bottom.

%%% Further Help %%%

For more information about the toolbox, the data formatting, and the demos, please see ToolboxReadMe.pdf.