
Yet another speech toolkit based on Kaldi and PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyKaldi2 is a speech toolkit that is built based on Kaldi and PyTorch. It relies on PyKaldi -- the Python wrapper of Kaldi, to access Kaldi functionalities. The key features of PyKaldi2 are one-the-fly lattice generation for lattice-based sequence training, on-the-fly data simulation and on-the-fly alignment gereation.

How to install

PyKaldi2 runs on top of Horovod and PyKaldi libraries. The dockerfile is provided to customarize the envriorment. To use the repo, do the following three steps.

  1. Clone the repo by

      git clone https://github.com/jzlianglu/pykaldi2.git
  2. Build the docker image, simply run

  docker build -t horovod-pykaldi -f docker/dockerfile 
  1. Activate the docker image, for example
  NV_GPU=0,1,2,3 nvidia-docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --shm-size=32G -i -t horovod-pykaldi

If you want to run multi-GPU jobs using Horovod, command is like

  horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 sh run_ce.sh 

Cross-entropy training

An example of runing a cross-entropy job is

 python train_ce.py -config configs/ce.yaml \  
  -data configs/data.yaml \                 
  -exp_dir exp/tr960_blstm_3x512_dp02 \     
  -lr 0.0002 \                              
  -batch_size 64 \                          
  -sweep_size 960 \                         
  -aneal_lr_epoch 3 \                       
  -num_epochs 8 \                           
  -aneal_lr_ratio 0.5                 

Sequence training

An example of runing a sequence traing job is

python train_se.py -config configs/mmi.yaml \
  -data configs/data.yaml \
  -exp_dir exp/tr960_blstm_3x512_dp02 \
  -criterion "mmi" \
  -seed_model exp/tr960_blstm_3x512_dp02/model.7.tar \
  -prior_path /datadisk2/lial/librispeech/s5/exp/tri6b_ali_tr960/final.occs \
  -trans_model /datadisk2/lial/librispeech/s5/exp/tri6b_ali_tr960/final.mdl \
  -den_dir /datadisk2/lial/librispeech/s5/exp/tri6b_denlats_960_cleaned/dengraph \
  -lr 0.000001 \
  -ce_ratio 0.1 \
  -max_grad_norm 5 \
  -batch_size 4 \


Liang Lu, Xiong Xiao, Zhuo Chen, Yifan Gong, "PyKaldi2: Yet another speech toolkit based on Kaldi and PyTorch", arxiv, 2019