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Provide high-performance model inference, mainly supporting the CodeFuse model from Ant Group.

Compared to the original FT, this repo has these features:

  • ✅ Int8 quantization of CodeFuse model
  • ✅ Prompt does not require a complete word at the end
  • ✅ Python API
  • ✅ Streaming Output with Python API
  • ✅ Higher model load speed
  • ✅ Some bugfix


Batch size: 1

Model CodeFuse 13B
Measurements Latency (ms)
GPU Single A100 2 * A100 Tensor Parallelism
Data Type fp16 int8 fp16 int8
Input/Output Length 16 8 160 195 238 84
64 32 608 369 373 295
256 128 2650 1530 1492 1130
1024 512 10776 7054 6786 5415
Tokens Per Sec 48 75 77 98

Get Start

We run in the container environment:

1. Install requirements

pip install --no-cache-dir pybind11==2.6.2 transformers accelerate sentencepiece

echo "export pybind11_DIR=/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11/" >> ~/.bashrc
export pybind11_DIR=/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11/

2. Build

mkdir build ; cd build
export TORCH_PYTHON_LIBRARIES=/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/lib/
make -j"$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)"

3. Run

You can use examples/pytorch/codefuse/ script to convert checkpoint files from HuggingFace to FasterTransformer.

export MODEL_NAME=codefuse

python ../examples/pytorch/codefuse/ \
       -o ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer \
       -i ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/transformers \
       -infer_gpu_num ${TENSOR_PARA_SIZE} \
       -processes 20 \
       -weight_data_type fp16 \
       -model_name gptneox

You can use examples/pytorch/codefuse/ script to convert fp16 or fp32 FasterTransformer checkpoint files to int8 files and scales, getting higher model load speed and smaller checkpoint files.

export MODEL_NAME=codefuse

python ../examples/pytorch/codefuse/ \
       --in_dir ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer/${TENSOR_PARA_SIZE}-gpu \
       --out_dir ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer/${TENSOR_PARA_SIZE}-gpu_int8 \
       --lib_path ../build/lib/ \
       --tensor_para_size ${TENSOR_PARA_SIZE} \
       --use_gptj_residual \
       --data_type fp16

You can use examples/pytorch/codefuse/ to run model inference.

export MODEL_NAME=codefuse

# fp16 1gpu
python ../examples/pytorch/codefuse/ \
       --ckpt_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer/1-gpu \
       --tokenizer_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/transformers

# int8 1gpu
python ../examples/pytorch/codefuse/ \
       --ckpt_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer/1-gpu_int8 \
       --tokenizer_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/transformers \
       --int8_mode 1 \
       --enable_int8_weights 1

# fp16 2gpus
torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 ../examples/pytorch/codefuse/ \
         --world_size 2 \
         --ckpt_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer/2-gpu \
         --tokenizer_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/transformers

# int8 2gpus
torchrun --nproc_per_node 2 ../examples/pytorch/codefuse/ \
         --world_size 2 \
         --ckpt_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/fastertransformer/2-gpu_int8 \
         --tokenizer_path ../models/${MODEL_NAME}/transformers \
         --int8_mode 1 \
         --enable_int8_weights 1