
Financial-QA-system for World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) competition

Primary LanguagePython

World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) Competition

Code for World Artificial Intelligence Conference Competition (Finance Question-Answering System) hold by Chinese Academy of Sciences & Alibaba Cloud.

We have won the third prize in the competition (7/4200).

Dataset and pre-process

For each raw query q, we first search the similar queries Q' and corresponding answers A' from different corpus. The data format is:


The answers A' are rich in external knowledge, which will be taken as input paired with raw query q. The details for code implementation can be found in the dataprepare.py file.

Run the following commend to pre-process the data.

python dataprepare.py

The processed data are stored in train_.josn,test_.json,valid_.json by default.

How to train the model?

We take the Chinese-BART as the foundation model, which has been pre-trained on extensive Chinese corpus. We use the transformers library for implementation. (see more details in the train.py file)

Steps to reproduce our result

  1. create a new folder named datasets, which contains the processed dataset train_.josn, test_.json, and valid_.json. (the file name should remain the same as it is in train.py)
  2. run the following command to construct the training data with (transfer the JSON format into transformer style data format)
python3 run_mybart.py --model_name_or_path fnlp-bart-base \
--train_file ./dataset/train_.json \
--validation_file ./dataset/valid_.json \
--test_file ./dataset/test_.json \
--output_dir output \
--exp_name waic \
--max_source_length 512  \
--max_target_length 256 \
--chinese_data True

specifically, the parameter configure is:

--model_name_or_path:  the name of foundation model(e.g., model name in huggingface platform or local path)
--train_file        :  the data path for processed training data
--valid_file        :  the data path for processed validation data
--test_file         :  the data path for processed test data
--output_dir        :  the output folder, which used to store the checkpoint or log
--max_source_length :  max length for input
--max_target_length :  max length for output
--chinese_data      :  using Chinese data or not 

Note, the environment comet_ml may need to install via pip install comet_ml

The successful running state:


after processing:


**The huggingface-style datasets are stored in the datasets folder by default. In our project, we have provided the hugging face style datasets for practical purposes. **

  1. run the train.py for training the model.
python train.py  \
--model_name_or_path /data/shizhengliang-slurm/HuggingFaceModel/fnlp-bart-base/  \
--save_dataset_path ./datasets \
--log_root ./logs  \
--exp_name waic \
--do_train \
--eval_steps 200 \
--evaluation steps \
--predict_with_generate True \
--output_dir model \
--save_steps 100 \
--save_total_limit 200 \
--num_train_epochs 5 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 32  \
--chinese_data True 

The details for configures are:

--model_name_or_path:          :  the name of foundation model(e.g., model name in huggingface platform or local path)
--save_dataset_path            :  the dataset path (path for storing huggingface-style dataset )
--output_dir                   :  the output folder, which used to store the checkpoint or log
--max_source_length            :  max length for input
--max_target_length            :  max length for output
--chinese_data                 :  using Chinese data or not 
--per_device_train_batch_size  :  batch size for each GPU device
--gradient_accumulation_steps  :  gradient accumulation steps
--save_steps                   :  interval steps for saving checkpoint
--num_train_epochs             :  training epoch
--evaluation                   :  evaluation mode (evaluate for each epoch or certain steps)
--eval_step                    :  interval steps for evaluation
--do_train                     :  train or not
--do_eval                      :  evaluation or not
--predict_with_generate        :  decode the token into Chinese character or not

The successful running state.


training process


How to inference

Using the checkpoint stored during the training, and run the following commend for inference. (see more details in inference.py file)

python inference.py  \
--model_name_or_path ./logs/seq2seqV4/waic/model/checkpoint-350 \
--log_root ./logs \
--save_dataset_path ./datasets \
--exp_name waic \
--predict_with_generate True \
--output_dir model 

./logs/seq2seqV4/waic/model/checkpoint-350 is the checkpoint path

Environment configure

In our experiment, we use 4 TITAN RTX 3090 (24G) to train our model. We evaluate our checkpoint on the validation dataset and test on the test dataset.

The results in the test dataset are as follows, which win the third prize in the WAIC competition.



For any questions, feel free to contact me via email


Project folder for reference

├── BestCheckpoint                # the best checkpoint,used for inference
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── optimizer.pt
│   ├── pytorch_model.bin
│   ├── scheduler.pt
│   ├── special_tokens_map.json
│   ├── tokenizer_config.json
│   ├── trainer_state.json
│   ├── training_args.bin
│   └── vocab.txt
├── datasets                      # dataset path
│   ├── dataset_dict.json         
│   ├── test                     
│   │   ├── cache-7c5e3e9ecb704a31.arrow
│   │   ├── dataset_info.json
│   │   └── state.json
│   ├── test_.json                
│   ├── test.txt
│   ├── train                     # train dataset
│   │   ├── cache-befd04cbc1089214.arrow
│   │   ├── dataset_info.json
│   │   └── state.json
│   ├── train_.json
│   ├── validation                # validation dataset
│   │   ├── cache-d126d4c4bb3bd269.arrow
│   │   ├── dataset_info.json
│   │   └── state.json
│   └── valid_.json
├── magic_bart2.py                # backbone model
├── requirements.txt              # pip install -r requirements.txt for configure 
├── evaluation.py                 # BLUE,ROUGH metrics
├── train.py                      # train file
├── inference.py                  # inference file
├── args.py                       # hyper-parameters
├── dataprepare.py                # retrieval argumentation for data pre-process
├── dataset_maker.py              # 
└── list.txt                      # details for project path