
Utility to talk to some industrial devices from Focon Electronics Systems A/S

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Utility and library to talk to industrial devices from Focon Electronics Systems A/S, as used in:

  • Stadsgewestelijk Materieel-gemoderniseerd (SGMm) operated by the Dutch railway company Nationale Spoorwegen (NS);
  • Various trains operated by the Danish railway company Danske Statsbaner (DSB);


  • Use pip: pip install .



Supported displays will have two connectors on the side, labeled X1 and X2, with the following pin-out:


A | 1  -  3  4  5  6  |
B | 1  2  3  4  5  6  |

A1: power GND
B1: power Vcc
B2: N/C
 3: address bit 0
 4: address bit 1
 5: address bit 2
 6: address bit 3


Y | 1 2 3 |
X | 1 2 3 |

X1: RS-485 in-
X2: RS-485 in+
Y1: RS-485 out-
Y2: RS-485 out+
 3: RS-485 GND

Connect a 60-140V DC power supply to pins B1 and A1, and bridge the address pin pairs as desired (or leave them all unbridged for ID 0). Connect a RS-485 transceiver to pins X1, X2, and X3, and a 120 ohm terminating resistor between Y1 and Y2.

Now, use any of the display subcommands to talk to the device, passing the path to your serial device using -d and the device address using -i:

$ focon-util -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -i 0 display info
  type:    FA
  version: 1.01

  version: 1.30

  part:    390024
  name:    Focon Electronics Systems A/S DSB dot 16

  memory:  FreeBuffer: 8:20:4 [S:M:L]  RunTime: 0:0:1:18 [D:H:M:S]
  network: SnpInfo Tx=000002, Rx=000003 --- Error: Pkt=00, PktNo=00, TxBuf=04, NoAnswer=00, Chk=00
  sensors: 19; EnvermentBrightness følger: %d mV

If this does not work, check your address pins and RS-485 connectivity. To make sure your display works at all, try bridging all adress pin pairs: upon startup, the display should then enter self-test mode.

Currently supported drawing commands are:

  • Displaying text: focon-util -d ... display print "Beste reizigers"
