
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Freckle v2 CLI in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


A little Freckle CLI, written in elixir.


git clone https://github.com/shkm/freCLIxir.git
cd freCLIxir
mix deps.get
mix escript.build
# copy freclixir somewhere in your path

You'll also need a token. You can get one from:

Your freckle domain
|> Connected Apps
|> Freckle API
|> Personal Access Tokens
|> Settings

Pop that into ~/.freclixir/token and keep it secret (keep it safe).


TODO: write a decent help. For now:

  • freclixir projects list
  • freclixir timers list
  • freclixir timers start [project_id_or_name]


A lot. Short-term:

  • Start timer by fuzzy-finding project name
  • Project aliases


I wrote a little Ruby CLI and API client a while ago. These started working weirdly, and I figured I could use some more Elixir practice, so let's rebuild in Elixir. And let's keep it simple this time.

As such, you'll probably see some weird code. I'm in it to learn, so please point out any weirdness or send a PR if you like.