
A multiplayer tic-tac-to game built using WebRTC, React, Golang

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Typescript notes

Object type

  • object is a type that represents the non-primitive type, i.e. any thing that is not number, string, boolean, symbol, null, or undefined.
  •   declare function create(o: object | null): void;
      create({ prop: 0 }); // OK
      create(null); // OK
      create(42); // Error
      create("string"); // Error
      create(false); // Error
      create(undefined); // Error

ICE Candidate

  • The RTCIceCandidate interface—part of the WebRTC API represents a candidate Internet Connectivity Establishment (ICE) configuration which may be used to establish an RTCPeerConnection.
  • An ICE candidate describes the protocols and routing needed for WebRTC to be able to communicate with a remote device. - When starting a WebRTC peer connection, typically a number of candidates are proposed by each end of the connection, until they mutually agree upon one which describes the connection they decide will be best.
  • WebRTC then uses that candidate's details to initiate the connection.

Exchanging ICE candidates

  • After exchanging an offer and answer, the two peers start exchanging ICE candidates to negotiate the actual connection between them.
  • Every ICE candidate describes a method that the sending peer is able to use to communicate.
  • Each peer sends candidates in the order they're discovered, and keeps sending candidates until it runs out of suggestions, even if media has already started streaming.
  • Once the two peers agree upon a mutually-compatible candidate, that candidate's SDP is used by each peer to construct and open a connection, through which media then begins to flow.
  • If they later agree on a better (usually higher-performance) candidate, the stream may change formats as needed.