
create a tls enabled private docker registry with self signed certificate

Primary LanguageShell

##clone this repo

##change the CHANGEME values in following files- - copy_certs.sh - in.req

##run create_certs.sh for creating self signed ssl certificate - "chmod +x create_certs.sh" - "./create_certs.sh"

##run copy_certs.sh - "chmod +x copy_certs.sh" - "./copy_certs.sh"

##create Replication Controller for registry by executing following command - "kubectl create -f reg_controller.yaml"

##wait untill rc is ready, you can check it by executing following command - "kubectl get rc -n kube-system"

##Expose the registry using NodePorts as a service - "kubectl create -f reg_service.yaml"

##Registry is ready and exposed on NodeIP and port 31000, you can change it by changing in reg_controller.yaml