
get WHOIS with library, command or through HTTP server

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Whois

Actions Status codecov

Provide WHOIS library, command line tool and server with restful APIs to query whois information for domains and IPs.

It's also available to specify whois server to query if known.

⚠️ There're diverse WHOIS formats for domains (especially cctld). It's hard to precisely parse all the information from rawtext. It is suggested that either adding Parser in domain or parse again with self-defined method after getting general WHOIS response.



go get github.com/shlin168/go-whois


package main

import (

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()
    // client default timeout: 5s,
    // client with custom timeout: whois.NewClient(whois.WithTimeout(10*time.Second))
    client, err := whois.NewClient()
    if err != nil {

    // query domain
    qDomain := "www.google.com"
    whoisDomain, err := client.Query(ctx, qDomain)
    if err == nil {
        fmt.Println("rawtext:", whoisDomain.RawText)
        fmt.Println("from whois server:", whoisDomain.WhoisServer)
        fmt.Printf("parsed whois: %+v\n", whoisDomain.ParsedWhois)
        if whoisDomain.IsAvailable != nil {
          fmt.Println("available:", *whoisDomain.IsAvailable)

    // query IP
    qIP := ""
    whoisIP, err := client.QueryIP(ctx, qIP)
    if err == nil {
        fmt.Println("rawtext:", whoisIP.RawText)
        fmt.Println("from whois server:", whoisIP.WhoisServer)
        fmt.Printf("parsed whois: %+v\n", whoisIP.ParsedWhois)

Note: NewClient fetch and parse whois-server-xml when invoked. To avoid fetching file every time when initializing client, changed to use method below:

serverMap, err := whois.NewDomainWhoisServerMap(whois.WhoisServerListURL)
if err != nil {
client := whois.NewClient(whois.WithServerMap(serverMap))

Command Line Tool


go build -o $PWD/bin ./cmd/whois


To query whois domain/ip

./bin/whois -q google.com
./bin/whois -q

Query from sepecified whois server

./bin/whois -q aaa.aaa -server whois.nic.aaa

Query with timeout (default: 5s)

./bin/whois -q google.com -timeout 10s



go build -o $PWD/bin ./cmd/server


Start server, default listen on :8080 port, and prometheus metrics show in :6060


Run ./bin/server -h to check other arguments


POST /whois

Query with domain/ip

  "query": "www.google.com"
  "query": ""

Query with domain and also query ip from resolver

  "query": "www.google.com",
  "ip": true

Query from sepecified whois server

  "query": "aaa.aaa",
  "whois_server": "whois.nic.aaa"
  "query": "",
  "whois_server": "whois.apnic.net"

HTTP Response Code

  • 200: found
  • 404: not found, which means response rawtext contains keywords that are regard as WHOIS not found
    • Method: Try to fetch keywords(domain/ip) in rawtext
  • 400: invalid input, wrong request format or error when getting public suffixs for domain
  • 408: whois server not response after N(timeout, default 5s) seconds
  • 500: internal error

PublicSuffix for domain

Input domain is parsed by publicsuffix. Final public suffixs to query WHOIS server are composed by the result of EffectiveTLDPlusOne(domain) and PublicSuffix(domain):

  1. Append EffectiveTLDPlusOne(domain) to query list if error is nil
  2. Check PublicSuffix(domain) result, if it's not ICANN managed domain and not fit *specific <= 3 rule, only query PublicSuffix(domain), else query both.
  3. If level of PublicSuffix(domain) is larger than 2, append level=n-1 domain to query list until it reaches level=2.
    • E.g, PublicSuffix("abc.ipfs.dweb.link") = "ipfs.dweb.link" which level equals to 3. Append dweb.link to query list
  4. Query whois in order, return the longest domain that can be found.
  • specific <= 3 rule: all length of items in public suffix are no more than 3
    • hit: co.uk, jpn.com, net.ua
    • not hit: github.io, zhitomir.ua

All the domains that query whois contains at least 2 levels.

Input ps + 1 ps ICANN <= 3 ps list to query WHOIS Found Result domain
abc.github.io abc.github.io github.io false false [github.io] github.io github.io
frolic.yalta.ua frolic.yalta.ua yalta.ua true false [frolic.yalta.ua, yalta.ua] BOTH frolic.yalta.ua
bruker.co.ua bruker.co.ua co.ua false true [bruker.co.ua, co.ua] BOTH bruker.co.ua
registry.co.com registry.co.com co.com false true [registry.co.com, co.com] co.com co.com
abc.ipfs.dweb.link abc.ipfs.dweb.link ipfs.dweb.link false false [ipfs.dweb.link, dweb.link] dweb.link dweb.link
www.google.com google.com com true false [google.com] google.com google.com
www.GOOGLE.com GOGGLE.com com true false [google.com] google.com google.com
org x x true true x x x

PublicSuffix does not modify the case, we convert the result to lowercase and query for consistency although domain name is not case sensitive. While query field in response and access log keep the case.

Prometheus Metrics

HTTP requests

  • whois_http_request_total{code=...} (counter) The amount of requests per HTTP status code
  • whois_http_request_in_flight (gauge) A gauge of requests currently being served by the wrapped handler
  • whois_http_request_duration_seconds (histogram) A histogram of latencies for requests



  • whois_response_total{resp_by=...,resp_type=...,type=...} (counter) The amount of response from per input_type, per components and per result type for queries
    • resp_by includes
      • public_suffix
      • realtime
      • none
    • resp_type includes
      • found
      • not_found
      • error
      • timeout
    • type includes
      • domain
      • ip
  • whois_nslookup_total{status=...} (counter) The amount of return status when doing ip lookup for domains
    • status includes
      • found
      • not_found
      • error

How to know which whois server to query for input

  • For domains, whois server is fetched from whois-server-xml
  • For IPs, query whois.arin.net and get the next whois server to query