
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chattie Server

This is the backend server for the Chattie application, which handles API requests and data storage for survey responses.

API Endpoints

Submit Survey Data

Submit survey data to the /submit-survey endpoint using the following cURL command:

curl -X POST https://chattie-server-4b47d3d64614.herokuapp.com/submit-survey -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"prolific_id": "YOUR_PROLIFIC_ID", "uuid": "YOUR_UUID", "data": {"session1": {"consistency": "option1", "naturalness": "option2", "engagement": "option1", "probingQuestion1": "option2", "probingQuestion2": "option1", "probingQuestion3": "option2"}}}'

Load CSV Data

Load CSV data from the specified type, stage, and num using the following cURL command:

curl -X GET 'https://chattie-server-4b47d3d64614.herokuapp.com/load-csv?type=yourType&stage=yourStage&num=yourNum'

Managing PostgreSQL Database on Heroku

Use the Heroku CLI to connect to your PostgreSQL database:

heroku pg:psql

Once connected to the PostgreSQL database, list all tables to ensure your survey_responses table exists:


To see the schema of the survey_responses table:

\d survey_responses
SELECT * FROM survey_responses;

To log data

curl -X POST https://chattie-server-4b47d3d64614.herokuapp.com/submit-survey -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type": "exampleType", "stage": "exampleStage", "num": 2, "response": "exampleResponse2"}'

Heroku Deployment

git add .
git commit -m "Update backend configuration"
git push heroku main