
Primary LanguageJavaScript

How much Food Waste are you Producing?

Contributors : Seonghee Lee (sl994), Daniela Rodriguez-Chavez (dr537)

Website: https://shljessie.github.io/food-waste/

Design Draft 2


Design Draft 1


Google Experiments Inspiration


Using 2011 metrics, the total monetary waste from consumers comes out to be around $124 billion, or a wasted $400 a year per person. However it is not just an economic issue, there are wider implications; In the United States, avoidable food waste accounts for about 2% of the national emissions. Interestingly enough, previous literature has found that shopping routines and financial concerns are main variables in determining food waste on the side of the consumer. Because this problem has been analyzed in a variety of ways, we wanted to provide a unique perspective using gratitude as a lens. Because shopping routines and monetary spending that cause more food waste both stem from not knowing what is in your fridge, we focused our efforts on building a fridge interface that improved these habits in a minimally invasive way.

Here we are creating an interactive visualization that helps people record the amount of food waste they produce each day and compare that to the national average. This project is part of a research study and will be tested on users to study how effective visualizations are in increasing awareness and producing behavorial change.

This project is an extension of our project of an Interactive Fridge: https://seungheelee.net/Fridge

Sources of Inspriration

  1. What We Eat : https://experiments.withgoogle.com/what-we-eat

Outline of future plans

  1. March
  • 2nd week: Finish overall visualization
  • 3rd week: Data Storage, Possible Servers
  • 4th week: Login Feature
  1. April
  • 1st week: Prepare for User Study
  • 2nd week: Conduct User Study
  • 3rd, 4th : Organize Study Results, Paper Writeup