
A little example of how to get mutual tls going in node, following this blog post https://engineering.circle.com/https-authorized-certs-with-node-js-315e548354a2.

Primary LanguageShell

A little example of how to get mutual tls going in node, following this blog post https://engineering.circle.com/https-authorized-certs-with-node-js-315e548354a2.


  1. Clone and run npm install to get any dependencies (using only fs and tls)
  2. Run setup.sh. This will go through all the steps:
    1. Generate a new CA
    2. Generate the server's key and sign them with the CA
    3. Generate the client's keys and sign them with the CA (generates 2 clients)
    4. Establish a revocation list database
  3. Run node server.js to start the server
  4. Run node client.js 1 to start client 1 or 2 for client 2.
  5. To test revocation, run revoke.sh
  6. Restart both server and client for the change to take effect