
New devchat.tv build on eleventy

Primary LanguageCSS


How to add yourself as an author

This repository is quite large. You can either clone it locally, or submit your request through the GitHub interface. Go to src/_data/authors/. Then, create a new file. It should be in this format:

  "name": "Charles Max Wood",
  "photo": "cmaxw.jpg",
  "bio": "Charles Max Wood is the CEO of Devchat.tv and host of several podcasts about software development at Devchat.tv. His passions are creating podcats for software developers, watching soccer, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. He lives in Utah with his wife, Heather, and 5 children.",
  "twitter": "https://twitter.com/cmaxw",
  "facebook": "https://facebook.com/charlesmaxwood",
  "linkedin": "https://linkedin.com/cmaxw",
  "instagram": "https://instagram.com/charlesmaxwood"

Please name it firstname-lastname.json.

That should be all.