
Ansible playbook that configures Elixir on CentOS 7

Elixir + Phoenix framework on CentOS 7 playbook

WIP Alert

This is a work in progess, but please feel free to test and help :)


CentOS 7 is a state-of-the-art, enterprise-ready distribution and our choice for running our Phoenix applications. We use Ansible to configure our servers and deploy our app.

This playbook will be made of two parts:

  • Setup: Getting machines ready to run Elixir and Phoenix framework.
  • Deploying: (continuously, eventually) Deploy our apps, run db migrations, assets compilations, etc.


Assuming you know your way around installing ansible and running ansible-playbook. You need to create two files before running: ansible.cfg and inventory

(See ansible.cfg.example and inventory.example for examples)

  • ansible.cfg: Configuration file for ansible.
  • inventory: List of your AWS servers by name or IP.

Running Setup

ansible-playbook setup.yml :)


Pulling from a private Github repository

First you'd need to copy ssh key, that can access your private Github repository.

Copy the ssh key to ssh_keys directory. The files should be named as id_rsa and id_rsa.pub respectively.

Once they are in place, run:

ansible-playbook ssh_keys.yml

This will put your (organization) ssh keys under /home/centos/.ssh so centos user can pull from your private Github repository.

Deploying the application

Part 1: Set github repository to pull from

Create group_vars/all.yml with github_repo and phoenix_path variables. (See group_vars/all.yml.example for example).

This will clone from your repository to the selected path.

Part 2: Create production secret

A production Phoenix framework application needs a secret base key, and connection to a database. Those are defined in the application's config/prod.secret.exs

Please create a config/prod.secret.exs with your secret and database connection data. (See config/prod.secret.exs.example)

Part 3: let's deploy!

Once $everything is ready, we can deploy our app with ansible-playbook deploy.yml.

This will pull latest master branch from the repository, and run Phoenix deploy process: npm, mix deps.get, compile, etc.


Please contribute by making a pull request to this repository. We will be continually monitoring and responsive. If you feel that our response has been lacking, please message us here: build-at-exeq.io.


Shlomi Zadok and the Exeq team