
This web application created to study children to solve arithmetic examples.

  • The examples are generated randomly.
  • There are settings profiles, which control generation of examples.
  • Solved examples are merged into the attempts.
  • You can see all your attempts, examples, count of errors and much-much more.
  • You can create your own settings profiles, appoint a teacher, do your homework and etcetera.

System requirements

  • PHP 7.2
  • Composer
  • node.js
  • npm
  • MySQL


  • git clone https://github.com/shm-vadim/examples
  • cd examples
  • composer install --no-scripts
  • Create .env.local and set there your own DATABASE_URL like in .env
  • bin/console doctrine:database:create && bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n && bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n
  • composer run-script auto-scripts
  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • bin/console server:run
  • Open http://localhost:8000 in yor browser.
