- Build backend
- Run backend with port 1200 open for connections
- Run a MongoDb instance that the backend can connect to
- Edit the config file to point of the backend and mongodb instance
- Edit esp32 code to point to the backend and attach to network (And other configurations).
- Build / Upload code to the esp32 using platformio.
- Start up the esp32 and it should connect to the backend and start sending data.
- Boom you're set up.
- ESP32 / ESP32CAM
- Small speaker with signal wire
- 7v power supply (DO NOT SKIMP)
- 2x Buttons
- Jumper cables
- LCD screen with I2C interface
- Add schematic
- Add board layout
- Add 3d model
- Add pictures
- Clean backend code
- Backend create section
- Add more to readme
- SD Card config
- Better connection between pages
- Add more to readme