
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Collaborative project between Meta RP Media <> USC MCL on Lightweight BIQA


GreenBIQA is a novel BIQA model, which aims at high performance, low computational complexity and a small model size. GreenBIQA adopts an unsupervised feature generation method and a supervised feature selection method to extract quality-aware features. Then, it trains an XGBoost regressor to predict quality scores of test images.



Official python implementation for GreenBIQA.

  • Mei, Z., Wang, Y. C., He, X., & Kuo, C. C. J. (2022, September). Greenbiqa: A lightweight blind image quality assessment method. In 2022 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

If you found the source codes useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={GreenBIQA: A Lightweight Blind Image Quality Assessment Method},
  author={Mei, Zhanxuan and Wang, Yun-Cheng and He, Xingze and Kuo, C-C Jay},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)},



Codes are written in python3. Install the required packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Download the CSIQ, LIVE-C, KADID-10K and KonIQ-10K dataset.

  • Put all the images under data.

  • mos.csv is required to map images to their corresponding user annotations. An example mos.csv can be found here. Only column 'image_name' and 'MOS' are required.

Run the codes

The feature extractor and regressor are trained using an authentic public dataset KonIQ-10K. The trained models can be found under model. To re-train the feature extractor and regressor using your own data, run:

python main.py --do_train --data_dir data

To predict the MOS using the trained model, run:

python main.py --do_test --save --data_dir data

Other usage

  --do_train        If specified, re-train the feature extractor and regressor.
  --do_test         If specified, predict the MOS for images under the data directory.
  --yuv             If specified, using yuv420 as the input format.
  --height          Specify the height of input images, required if yuv.
  --width           Specify the width of input images, required if yuv.
  --save            If specified, save the extracted image features.
  --data_dir        Specify the data directory.
  --output_dir      Specify the path for logs and saved features.
  --model_dir       Specify the path to load/store the models. 
  --num_aug         Number of cropped patches per image.


  • Model size
    • Feature extractor: 608 KB
    • Regressor: 2.6 MB
  • Feature extraction time
    • Take 5.499 seconds to extract 928 384x384 patches.
    • In average, take 0.0237 ms to predict the quality score for one image.
  • Performance
