
Go to the App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hello everyone. This is our version of Trello ----- TaskIt ----

This project was created from scratch with the newest technologies such as Node.js, React.js and Redux.js. We support sockets and drag and drop, the app has a fully functioning data base that was created with Mongo.Db. In this project we demonstrate our knowledge of JavaScript using React.js.

App structure:

frontend: views: TopicPage: the main TaskIt Board showing all the topics. TaskDetails: inside a single task. HomePage: This is our home page. BoardPage: this is the page that includes all of the user's boards. AuthPage: sign in, sign up etc..

Cmps: Auth: SignIn, SignUp. BoarHeader: Filter,SearchUser,UserPreview,BoardMemberPreview,UserList. Footer: footer cmp. Header: HeaderCmp, NavBar. SideMenu: ActivityList,ActivityPreview,BgColorPreview,BgGalleryList,BgImagePreview,SideMenu. Task: AddTask,TaskList,TaskPreview,TaskModal. Topic: AddTopic,TopicList,TopicPreview,MsgModal. reducers: BoardReducer,index,ReviewReducer,SystemReducer,SystemReducer,UserRedcuer. services: BoardService,EventBusService,HttpService,ImageService,SocketService,StorageService,TemplateService,UserService,UtilsService. Actions :BoardActions,ReviewActions,ReviewActions,SystemActions,UserActions. Assets: Sass,Images,Fonts.

Backend: API: auth: auth.controller,auth.routes,auth.service. board: board.controller,board.routes,board.service,board.utils. socket:socket.routes. user: user.controller,user.routes,user.service.

The app supports all the newest technologies such as React.js,Node.js Express.js (sessions, cookies etc...), Redux, socket.io,drag and drop. MongoDb DataBase and user Auth (sign in, sign up etc..).