REST API to access distributed gRPC servers. Distributed Systems Coursework

Primary LanguagePython

gRPC Lab

This project uses gRPC to do block matrix multiplication (BMM). The benefit being able to spread the load over multiple servers.

block_mult.py contains the procedural way of doing BMM

matrix_client.py, matrix_server.py and matrix.proto are the main parts of the gRPC implementation.


Make sure the pb2 files have been generated (see the next step, if not)


Run the server:

$ python matrix_server.py

From a different terminal, run the client:

$ python matrix_client.py


Editing the client or server files doessnt require any build step in Python. But, if you want to edit the .proto file you will need to regenerate the pb2 files - details below:

1. Install pre-reqs: (just the first time)

$ python -m pip install grpcio grpcio-tools

2. Generate the code:

$ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. matrix.proto


See first section, above