Stock Market Simulation and Analysis
QS Tool Kit based eventanalyzer and market simulator for backtesting. Sample reports in Reports folder using bolllinger bands with Standard deviation 1 and 2 wit 20 days look back period.
Step 1: Installing Python 2.7 by downloading the Python setup
Step 2: Install Python-Numpy library by downloading the Numpy Setup
Step 3: Install Python-Scipy library by downloading the Scipy Setup
Step 4: Install Python-Matplotlib library by downloading the Matplotlib Setup
Step 5: Install Python-Pandas library by downloading the Pandas Setup
Step 6: Install Python-Setuptools library by downloading the Setuptools Setup
Step 7: Install Python-dateutil library by downloading the Dateutil Setup
Step 8: Install Python-Scikits library by downloading the Scikit-Learn Setup
Step 9: Install Python-Statsmodel library by downloading the Scikit-Statsmodel Setup