
Scraper for www.createdebate.com

Primary LanguagePython


This scraper and the utility scripts here can be used to scrape debates and user information from CreateDebate.


get_all_debate_motion.py - We scrape the list of OPEN DEBATES from the ALL TOPICS Tab at the Website.
			   Assigns a uuid to each debate and stores in a dictionary 'dict_motion2uuid' 
			   and text file 'data_Motion2uuid.txt'.

get_all_motions_topicwise - We scrape the list of OPEN DEBATES from the different topic tabs one by one.
			    Assign a uuid to those debate motions which were not present in 'dict_motion2uuid'
			    Then create text files for each topic to store the motions topic wise.
			    Also create dictionaries: 'dict_motion2topic' and 'dict_topic2motion'.

get_all_responses - We then create the debate urls for each debate motion and fetch the response of that page
		    and store it in a serialized binary file in 'Debate_Responses'.

parse_sidestances - We parse the response files to extract the L-R stances and store in 'dict_motion2sidestances'.

parse_arguments - We parse the response files to extract the argument parameters and store in 'Debate_Arguments'.

compose_user_data - We scan through all the files in 'Debate_Arguments' and compile all the arguments userwise.
		    Also assign a uuid to all the usernames and store in dictionary 'dict_user2uuid'
		    and text file 'data_User2uuid.txt'

get_all_user_profile - We then create profile urls for each user name and fetch the response of that page and 
                       store it in a serialized binary file in 'UserProfile_Responses'.

parse_user_params - We parse the response files to extract information and details of the user and 
		    store in 'data_UserInformation.txt'.



motion2uuid  		=> {motion    : uuid 		}
motion2topic 		=> {motion    : [topics]	}
topic2motion 		=> {topic     : [motions]	}
motion2sidesstances 	=> {motion    : [sideL, sideR]	}
user2uuid    		=> {user_name : uuid 		}

Text Files

data_Motion2uuid.txt 	 => "\t".join(["motion"   , "uuid"])
data_User2uuid.txt   	 => "\t".join(["user_name", "uuid"])
data_UserInformation.txt => "\t".join(["UserName", "Name", "Gender", "Age", "MaritalStatus",
				       "PoliticalParty", "Country", "Religion", "Education",
				        "Points", "Efficiency", "Arguments", "Debates", "Joined"])


Topicwise_Motions     => ["Politics", "Entertainment", "World", "Religion", "Law", "Science",
			  "Technology", "Sports", "Comedy", "Business", "Travel", "Shopping", 
			  "Health", "NSFW"] and "None" for motions without any assigned topic.
within each file      => "\t".join(["motion", "uuid"])

Debate_Respones       => ["DebateUUID" for UUID in motion2uuid.values()] binary files.

Debate_Arguments      => ["DebateUUID.txt" for UUID in motion2uuid.values()] text files.
within each file      => "\t".join(["DebateMotion", "ArgumentID", "PostSide", "ArgumentType", 
				    "UserName", "Time", "ArgumentStance", "Votes", "Post"])

User_Arguments        => ["UserUUID.txt" for UUID in user2uuid.values()] text files
within each file      => "\t".join(["UserName", "DebateMotion", "ArgumentID", "PostSide", 
				    "ArgumentType", "ArgumentStance", "Votes", "Time", "Post"])

UserProfile_Responses => ["UserUUID" for UUID in user2uuid.values()] binary files

Field Ranges

Debate Specifics

motion 	     - Any String joined using '_' available on the BROWSE DEBATES Website Tab
topic 	     - Any String from the list mentioned in TopicWise_Motions description
sideL, sideR - Any String which is the floated pair of FOR-AGAINST stances by the debate creator

User Specifics

UserName 	- Any String which has posted an argument in one of the debate responses collected
Name 		- Any String which is a valid text box input
Gender 		- ["Male", "Female", "Guy", "Girl", "Dude", "Lady", "Fellow", "grrrl", 
		   "Chap", "Dame", "Transgender"]
Age 		- Approximate Age of Individual in Years
MaritalStatus 	- ["Single", "Married", "In a Relationship"]
Political Party - ["Republican", "Democrat", "Libertarian", "Green Party", "Independent", "Other"]
Country 	- Country Name from a Drop-Down List of all Countries
Religion 	- ["No Answer", "Agnostic", "Atheist", "Buddhist", "Catholic", "Christian-other",
	    	   "Hindu", "Jewish", "Muslim", "Mormon", "Other", "Protestant", "Scientologist",
		   "Taoist", "Wiccan"]
Education 	- ["No Answer", "High School", "Some College", "In College", "College Grad", 
		   "Masters", "Post Grad"]	
Points 		- [0 - ) Number of Points earned by the user on the Website
Efficiency 	- [0 - 100] : Measure of effectiveness of arguments -> % of upvotes a user has
Arguments 	- [0 - ) : Number of Arguments posted by the user on the Website
Debates 	- [0 - ) : Number of Debates participated by the user on the Website
Joined 		- Approximate Date/Time of the user joining the Website

Argument Specifics

ArgumentID 	- "arg[0-9]+" assigned to each argument
PostSide 	- Left or Right, which side the post was posted
ArgumentType 	- ["Normal", "Supported", "Disputed", "Clarified"]
Time 		- Approximate Date/Time of Post
ArgumentStance 	- One of the two {sideL, sideR} for that debate
Votes 		- Total UpVotes - Total DownVotes
Post		- Textual Data of the Post