Tool to apply patches to Google Play Services that will enable some extra functionality on Android Auto
- aadithya96India
- adamnelRaleigh, NC
- Allen-dot
- argrentonowhere
- colombs95
- d6981930
- denir-liTaiwan
- docout
- DoofitatorVictoria, Australia
- ecomaikgolfIAIK TUGraz
- educatedthuggHouston, Tx
- ESCollins90
- flobzFrance
- frankkienl@flitsmeister
- fredy0071970
- fthyilmzİstanbul
- githwc
- hypery11THUCC
- ilikenwf
- koystrubvs
- kurucanİstanbul
- leoninone
- marinelli9
- mihaicristianpetrescu
- nathanalba
- Pitagora75
- ranaz1
- RayBullty
- rollin505M/S hossain traders
- szechyjs@BoldPenguin
- TheLastZombie
- titopepecharls
- tmilandNorway
- VHFG22
- WebBuddha
- woody4165Rome, Italy