Kangaruz – Explore VIC – Aconex

This is iteration 2 of FIT5120 Industry Experience at Monash University which is completed by Team Kangaruz. The team member are Kai, Kris, Tobi and Irene.

Check here for more details.


Blue - into the blue

ExploreVic is an outdoor activity application providing the most comprehensive information of amazing water sports and adventure activities on mountain or air which provided inside Victoria borders.

Main Features

  1. Search activities by specific regions

  2. Find nearest locations provides the particular activities or sports

  3. Design personal traveling schedule and favorite list

  4. Recommend user whether the weather is not good and it is dangerous to enjoy those activities.

Explore Vic Ad video

Check youtube video .

User Instruction

Check youtube video .

Learning Journey

check youtube video .

Code acknowledgement

The development cannot be completed without the help from Bill and Harnam. In addition, there are some libraries are used during the development, they are:

While programming the android application, we have used free open sources to help us complete the functions. The below table will include the list of the open sources used for our project.

android-PlacesAutocompleteTextView seatgeek https://github.com/seatgeek/android-PlacesAutocompleteTextView

TakePhoto crazycodeboy https://github.com/crazycodeboy/TakePhoto

AndroidSuperDialog mylhyl https://github.com/mylhyl/AndroidSuperDialog

pinned-section-listview beworker https://github.com/beworker/pinned-section-listview

material-icon-lib code-mc https://github.com/code-mc/material-icon-lib

AVLoadingIndicatorView 81813780 https://github.com/81813780/AVLoadingIndicatorView

android-corner-label junhaozhou https://github.com/junhaozhou/android-corner-label

Android-GoogleDirectionLibrary Akexorcist https://github.com/akexorcist/Android-GoogleDirectionLibrary

material-spinner jaredrummler https://github.com/jaredrummler/material-spinner

glide bumptech https://github.com/bumptech/glide

status-bar-compat msdx https://github.com/msdx/status-bar-compat

butterknife JakeWharton https://github.com/JakeWharton/butterknife