Ansible Role: Third Party Apt Repo

An ansible role that will add a third party apt repo to and Debian like distro. It can optionally install packages after adding the repo.

This role has only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

Role Variables

A string in apt source list format. This string will be passed to ansible.builtin.apt_repository.repo.

third_party_repo: deb [arch=amd64] focal main

A URL to the key that signed packages from the 3rd party repo. This string will be passed to ansible.builtin.apt_key.url.


The fingerprint of the key pointed to by third_party_repo_key_url. This string will be passed to See section below on how to find this key.

third_party_repo_key_fingerprint: E8A032E094D8EB4EA189D270DA418C88A3219F7B

A list of packages to install after the third party repo has been added. These can be packages from the third party repo or from the default repos.

packages: [terraform]

Install Role

Create a yaml file with the following content.

- src: git+
  name: third_party_apt_repo
  version: master

Then run:

ansible-galaxy install -r <requirement yaml file>

Example Playbook

- roles:
    - role:  third_party_apt_repo
      third_party_repo: |
        deb [arch=amd64] focal main
      third_party_repo_key_fingerprint: E8A032E094D8EB4EA189D270DA418C88A3219F7B
      packages: [terraform]

GPG Key Fingerprint

Here is a way to get a fingerprint for a key via gpg. This method will not import the key. The command uses the -n flag which tells gpg that this is a dry run and to not import the key.

$ > gpg2 -n -q --import --import-options import-show <gpg key>
pub   rsa4096 2020-05-07 [SC]
uid                      HashiCorp Security (HashiCorp Package Signing) <>
sub   rsa4096 2020-05-07 [E]

In this example the hex string E8A032E094D8EB4EA189D270DA418C88A3219F7B is the fingerprint.



Author Information

This role was created by shnee.