
Local DNS Stack: Grafana with Prometheus and Traefik using localdns

Primary LanguagePython


This is a local stack that you can boot with docker-compose which will give you: Traefik, Grafana, Prometheus, cAdvisor, Node-Exporter, AlertManager, Python App instrumented with Prometheus


Stack will give you:

  • Traefik: Reverse Proxy and domain configured is *.localdns.xyz which all resolves to
  • Grafana: Dashboarding grafana.localdns.xyz
  • Prometheus: Time Series DB prometheus.localdns.xyz
  • Node-Exporter: Node Level Metrics
  • cAdvisor: Container Level Metrics
  • Alertmanager: Creates Alerts from Prometheus Metrics alertmanager.localdns.xyz
  • Python Flask App: Instrumented with Prometheus flask-app.localdns.xyz


We are using loki to ship logs from our containers, so we need to install the loki docker driver:

$ docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

To boot your stack in localhost mode (ie. traefik.localdns.xyz ->

$ docker-compose up --build -d

To boot your stack in ip mode (ie. traefik. ->

$ IP=$(curl -s -4 ifconfig.co)
$ export DOMAIN=${IP}.nip.io
$ docker-compose up --build -d

Access http://traefik.localdns.xyz for viewing the Traefik Dashboard, or grafana.localdns.xyz to access Grafana and 2 pre-made dashboards will be visible to view node and container level metrics.

The default user/pass is admin/admin

Access prometheus.localdns.xyz to access Prometheus UI

For the web application you can access it on flask-app.localdns.xyz, and has the following endpoints:

  • /
  • /wait/{int} - how long the request should take in seconds
  • /status/{int} - the status code that should be captured
  • /skip - does not collect metrics
  • /metrics view the metrics that is exporter for prometheus to scrape

For more detailed alerting have a look at my prometheus-alerting-alertmanager repo:
