
Remixed Kanagawa colourscheme with muted colors. For Neovim.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

🌊 kanagawa-paper.nvim

Remixed Kanagawa colourscheme with muted colors. For Neovim.


💡 Motivation

I love the original kanagawa.nvim colourscheme, but I found some of the colours of the dark themes a bit too bright and distracting. What I wanted was a more muted theme overall, combining the less saturated syntax colours of the dragon theme, while keeping the blue background of the wave theme.

kanagawa-paper combines both the dragon and wave themes, with a few additions and tweaks to work better with certain plugins.

I have also ported the colourscheme to VSCode, which you can find here: kanagawa-paper.vscode

⚡️ Requirements

📦 Installation

Install the theme with your preferred package manager, such as lazy.nvim:

  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  opts = {},

🚀 Usage

Vim Script

colorscheme kanagawa-paper


vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-paper")

External Plugins

local kanagawa_paper = require("lualine.themes.kanagawa-paper")

require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = kanagawa_paper
    -- ... your lualine config

⚙️ Configuration

❗️ Set the configuration BEFORE loading the color scheme with colorscheme kanagawa-paper.

  undercurl = true,
  transparent = false,
  gutter = false,
  dimInactive = true, -- disabled when transparent
  terminalColors = true,
  commentStyle = { italic = true },
  functionStyle = { italic = false },
  keywordStyle = { italic = false, bold = false },
  statementStyle = { italic = false, bold = false },
  typeStyle = { italic = false },
  colors = { theme = {}, palette = {} }, -- override default palette and theme colors
  overrides = function()  -- override highlight groups
    return {}

-- setup must be called before loading
vim.cmd("colorscheme kanagawa-paper")

The code that defines the default configuration can be found here

🔧 Customizing Colors

There are two kinds of colors: PaletteColors and ThemeColors.

PaletteColors are defined directly as RGB Hex strings, and have arbitrary names that recall their actual color. Conversely, ThemeColors are named and grouped semantically on the basis of their actual function.

In short, a palette defines all the available colors, while a theme maps the PaletteColors to specific ThemeColors and the same palette color may be assigned to multiple theme colors.

You can change both theme or palette colors using config.colors. All the palette color names can be found here, while their usage by each theme can be found here.

    colors = {
        palette = {
            -- change all usages of these color names
            sumiInk0 = "#000000",
            fujiWhite = "#FFFFFF",
        theme = {
          -- change specific usages for a certain theme
          ui = {
              float = {
                  bg = colors.palette.sumiInk0,

You can also conveniently add/modify hlgroups using the config.overrides option. Supported keywords are the same for :h nvim_set_hl {val} parameter.

    overrides = function(colors)
        return {
            -- Assign a static color to strings
            String = { fg = colors.palette.carpYellow, italic = true },
            -- theme colors will update dynamically when you change theme!
            SomePluginHl = { fg = colors.theme.syn.type, bold = true },

You can find a more detailed explanation of color customization here.

Extracting colors

-- Get the colors for the current theme
local colors = require("kanagawa-paper.colors").setup()
local palette_colors = colors.palette
local theme_colors = colors.theme

Common customizations

Transparent Floating Windows

This will make floating windows look nicer with default borders.

overrides = function(colors)
    local theme = colors.theme
    return {
        NormalFloat = { bg = "none" },
        FloatBorder = { bg = "none" },
        FloatTitle = { bg = "none" },

        -- Save a hlgroup with dark background and dimmed foreground
        -- so that you can use it where you still want darker windows.
        -- E.g.: autocmd TermOpen * setlocal winhighlight=Normal:NormalDark
        NormalDark = { fg = theme.ui.fg_dim, bg = theme.ui.bg_m3 },

        -- Popular plugins that open floats will link to NormalFloat by default;
        -- set their background accordingly if you wish to keep them dark and borderless
        LazyNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m3, fg = theme.ui.fg_dim },
        MasonNormal = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m3, fg = theme.ui.fg_dim },

If you'd like to keep the floating windows darker, but you're unhappy with how borders are rendered, consider using characters that are drawn at the edges of the box:

{ "🭽", "", "🭾", "", "🭿", "", "🭼", "" }

Dark completion (popup) menu

More uniform colors for the popup menu.

overrides = function(colors)
    local theme = colors.theme
    return {
        Pmenu = { fg = theme.ui.shade0, bg = theme.ui.bg_p1 },  -- add `blend = vim.o.pumblend` to enable transparency
        PmenuSel = { fg = "NONE", bg = theme.ui.bg_p2 },
        PmenuSbar = { bg = theme.ui.bg_m1 },
        PmenuThumb = { bg = theme.ui.bg_p2 },

🍭 Extras

PRs are welcome if you want to add an extra for a specific application.

👏 Acknowledgements