Implementation of complete CNN training pipeline in TensorFlow. The data reading mechanism is based on the TF Dataset API.
The trainer currently supports three architectures including Inception ResNet v2, ResNet-152 and NASNet all based on Slim implementations (
To train on a custom dataset, create a separate file for train, test and validation containing the image names and the corresponding label ids (from 0 to num_classes-1).
To initiate the training, use the command:
python -t -s -v -c --batchSize 10 --trainingEpochs 10 -m NAS --displayStep 1 --weightedSoftmax
python -t -s -v -c --batchSize 10 --trainingEpochs 10 -m NAS --displayStep 1 --weightedSoftmax --trainSVM --l2Regularizer --reconstructionRegularizer
where -t stands for training, -s for training from scratch, -m defines the model to be used (IncResV2, ResNet, NAS), -c stands for model testing after training, and --weightedSoftmax uses weighted softmax with weights proportional to inverse frequency which helps in dealing with unbalanced classes. Training of SVM on the final feature vector is also possible by passing --trainSVM flag to along with --l2Regularizer which adds L2 regularization on the global pool feature vector and --reconstructionRegularizer which inserts a decoder network for reconstruction of the input to make sure the feature vector models all the main sources of variation in the input modality.
To initiate the testing phase, use the command:
python -c -batchSize 10 -m IncResV2 --testDataFile ./data-labels-test.txt
where -c stands for testing and --testFileName defines the file name to be used for testing.
Note: isTraining is always set to false for models due to tensorflow batch-norm issue.
Author: Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui