EMC Vmax/EMC VNX/ HP 3PAR / Monitor Toolkit (Ruby)

EMC Vmax/VNX and HP 3PAR Monitoring using InfluxDB and Grafana

InfluxDB Time-Series https://www.influxdata.com/

InfluxDB GEM https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-ruby

gem install influxdb

Grafana for visualization: https://grafana.com/


https://github.com/stevenctong/vmax_monitoring - Used as reference to develop the code in Ruby https://github.com/ciarams87/PyU4V - I got many problems trying to install some python libraries on my Linux machine, so I decided to recode some functions from PyU4V in Ruby.


Script that run commands via navseccli on VNX array's to get performance data


File that make the requests, parse data and put in InfluxDB

You must initialize a new instance of the VnxGetter class and set the follow attributes:

collect_vnx = VnxGetter.new
collect_vnx.username =
collect_vnx.password =
collect_vnx.scope = 0
collect_vnx.ip = ARGV[0]
collect_vnx.nav_path = '/opt/Navisphere/bin' #Path of Navseccli in your system


ruby vnx_monitoring.rb <vnxip>


Script that run commands using the CLI from 3PAR

First you need to add your public key using the following command :

setsshkey -add


This file make the requests using RU3PAR.rb to each 3Par Array and insert into InfluxDB

It have a feature where you can collect data from a 3Par connected to another machine in yout network. To make it works you must provide the second argument on the command call and set the "remote_username" param.

You must initiate a new instance of RU3PAR class and set the follow attributes:

collect_3par = TriPar.new
collect_3par.ip = ARGV[0]
collect_3par.username = <3parusername>
collect_3par.remote = ARGV[1]
collect_3par.remote_username = <remotemachineusername>


ruby 3par_monitoring.rb <3parip>

Or if you are trying to get data from a 3PAR conected to other machine

 ruby 3par_monitoring.rb <remotemachineip> <3parip>


Dell/EMC Have developed a module called PyU4V as a solution to make requests to the Unisphere API, unfortunattely Ruby don't have a gem that can realize the same, so I recoded some functions from PyU4V in Ruby

unisphere_rest.rb (Unisphere API Requester)

Used to request the Unisphere Api.

Before start, you need to configure the header section that authenticate with Unisphere.

  @header = {
  'Authorization' => '%ENCODED AUTHORIZATION%',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json'

Replace '%ENCODED AUTHORIZATION%' with your username/password encoded in Base64.

influxdb_connection.rb (InfluxDB Configuration)

Replace the line following with your DB name (collect), username (admin) and password (admin).

  influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new 'collect', username: 'admin', password: 'admin', precision: 's'


Here is the code of all the functions that collect the metrics to generate the dashboard. The usage of the script is:

ruby vmax_monitoring.rb <hostname or hostip>


Grafana dashboard exported in json format.

Grafana Dashboard Screenshot


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