
Quotes is an app where you can discover Quotes. It follows latest android principles and components.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Quotes ✨

Untitled design (1) It is Quotes App, I used Retrofit, Room, Coroutine, Paging 3, MVVM Architecture, Material 3, Live data and navigation Components.

Build with 🔨

  • Kotlin
  • View Binding
  • Data Binding
  • Material Components Library
  • Single Activity Pattern
  • Live data
  • Room
  • Retrofit
  • Coroutines
  • Flow
  • MVVM + Clean Architecture
  • Hilt DI
  • Paging 3
  • Remote Mediator

Features ⚙️

  • Get Random Quotes
  • Offline Support
  • Search Quotes
  • Write your own quotes
  • copy Quotes
  • Save Quotes
  • Share Quotes

Contact 📧

Linkedin - www.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-shoaib-986728297