
This is a repo dedicated to creating a fullstack facebook clone from scratch

Primary LanguageJava


QuickStart Instructions

  • Fork and clone this repository to your machine
  • Open the codebase in an IDE like InteliJ or VSCode
  • Create a new Postgres database called acebook_springboot_development
  • Install Maven brew install maven
  • Build the app and start the server, using the Maven command mvn spring-boot:run

The database migrations will run automatically at this point

  • Visit http://localhost:8080/users/new to sign up

Running the tests

  • Install chromedriver using brew install chromedriver
  • Start the server in a terminal session mvn spring-boot:run
  • Open a new terminal session and navigate to the Acebook directory
  • Run your tests in the second terminal session with mvn test

All the tests should pass. If one or more fail, read the next section.
