DSA 9 AM Session - Leetcode Questions

This repository contains a curated list of Leetcode questions covered in the daily sessions of our Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) 9 AM class. Each day features problems that help in mastering different concepts and problem-solving techniques related to DSA.


The repository is organized by weeks and days, with links to the respective Leetcode problems and Facebook session videos discussed each day.


Students can use this repository to revisit the problems discussed during the sessions, practice solving them, and track their progress. Additionally, every Friday is reserved for students to present and discuss any questions related to the topics covered during the week.


Feel free to contribute by adding more questions, solutions, or suggesting improvements.

Moderators and Trainers

Course Poster

Weekly Schedule

Week 1 Presenter : Ibrahim Laeeq

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9