
QHub - A Question Bank

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an online question bank which provides classification of questions and creation of assignment and question papers from those questions.



  1. Clone the repo
  2. run npm i
  3. copy example.env to .env
  4. Visit http://oauthV2.shobhitagarwal.me and create a infoconnect oauth project
  5. Also visit https://github.com/shobhit1997/OAuth/tree/v2 for oauth documentation
  6. Replace the credentials in the .env file
  7. import the qhub.sql file in mysql
  8. Replace the credentials in .env file
  9. run npm i -g nodemon
  10. run nodemon server.js


Visit https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5251388/Szf828Ph?version=latest for api documentation