
Example applications built with Golang and Gin (Backend-only)

Primary LanguageGo

Authentication with go-gin

Example applications built with golang and gin web freamework. Using postgresql as a DB and GORM for an orm.

See the gofiber branch for the more secure authentication built with fiber and uses refresh tokens.

Setup TODO

  • get the packages
    go get .
  • add the .env file and populate it with the variables from .env.example.txt
  • have a database running on port 5433, You can edit this to use you custom postgres db and edit values in .env file
      host := "localhost"
      port := os.Getenv("DB_PORT")
      dbName := "postgres"
      dbUser := "root"
      password := string(os.Getenv("DB_PASSWORD"))
      dsn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%s user=%s dbname=%s password=%s sslmode=disable",
    • For database I used postgres15-alpine docker image and ran it on port 5433
    • If you want to change the Database provider remember to import the right gorm/driver/*
      package initializers
      import (
        // change this to whatever