
Getting and Cleaning Data Class Project

Primary LanguageR


This README provides a description of the script created to satisfy the 5 steps of data cleaning and wrangling needed for the class project. This is for the class project for the Getting and Cleaning Data 007 course on Coursera.

It is a single script call run_analysis.R. This is the name specified in the instructions. The script reads in data from a motion capture study, which was obtained here:[1]. This data is broken up into various components that make it difficult to work with, i.e. it is not "tidy".

The script reads in all the original data components, with the exception of the “Inertial Signals”. See [2] for an explanation by a class TA in the project FAQ as to why this component of the data set can be ignored.

The script reads in the “train” and “test” data, and tidies them up separately, the merges them into a single data frame, and assigns descriptive column names to each of the data columns. This is out of order from the steps in the problem description, but the descriptive names were added to make selection and sorting for part 2 easier.

The columns containing mean and standard deviation are funneled into a new data frame. The name of this dataframe with the workspace is “part2_data.” Selection was done based on the column names containing “std” and “mean”, for both time and frequency variables. These should means and standard deviations of the original data, according to the information accompanying that data. The variables “subject” and “activity number” are included in this new dataframe, as well as a factor column that identifies the activity with a descriptive name. These name assignments are based on “activity numbers.” The name of this dataframe with the workspace is “part2_data.”

The script then creates another dataframe, “all_avgs”, which is the mean of each activity per subject for all the variables in “part2_data.” “all_avgs” contains 81 variables and 180 lines. The descriptive names for the column are prepended with “avg-“ to indicate they are the averages indicated in step 5 of the problem description.

“all_avgs” is then written out as “project_upload.txt.” This output file is written to the working directory. It is plain text, and the entries are separated with commas. The first line is a header contain the variable names.

NOTE TO PEER EVALUATORS: The exact contents of final dataset in project_upload.txt is open to interpretation. This is based on indications by class TA's [2][3], and extensive discussion in the forums. It may not be exactly what you have, but that does not make it wrong. Summaries of the output from R are below.

To execute the script:

  1. Place run_analysis.R in a working directory and unzip the data set available here in to the working directory. 'dataset' name of the directory that should contain the extracted zip files.
  2. Source run_analysis.R to produce “project_upload.txt.”

Please see the codebook.txt file for specific info on the descriptive column names for the variables and info on the origins of the data.

[1] https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip [2] https://class.coursera.org/getdata-007/forum/thread?thread_id=49#post-114 [3] https://class.coursera.org/getdata-007/forum/thread?thread_id=42#post-97

Summaries of script output dataframe

str(all_avgs) 'data.frame': 180 obs. of 81 variables: $ activity : Factor w/ 6 levels "walking","walking_upstairs",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 ... $ subject : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ... $ avg-tBodyAcc-std()-X : num -0.284 -0.355 0.03 -0.977 -0.996 ... $ avg-tBodyAcc-std()-Y : num 0.11446 -0.00232 -0.03194 -0.92262 -0.97319 ... $ avg-tBodyAcc-std()-Z : num -0.26 -0.0195 -0.2304 -0.9396 -0.9798 ... $ avg-tGravityAcc-std()-X : num -0.977 -0.956 -0.951 -0.968 -0.994 ... $ avg-tGravityAcc-std()-Y : num -0.971 -0.953 -0.937 -0.936 -0.981 ... $ avg-tGravityAcc-std()-Z : num -0.948 -0.912 -0.896 -0.949 -0.976 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-X : num -0.1136 -0.4468 -0.0123 -0.9864 -0.9946 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-Y : num 0.067 -0.378 -0.102 -0.981 -0.986 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-Z : num -0.503 -0.707 -0.346 -0.988 -0.992 ... $ avg-tBodyGyro-std()-X : num -0.474 -0.545 -0.458 -0.977 -0.987 ... $ avg-tBodyGyro-std()-Y : num -0.05461 0.00411 -0.12635 -0.96647 -0.98773 ... $ avg-tBodyGyro-std()-Z : num -0.344 -0.507 -0.125 -0.941 -0.981 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X : num -0.207 -0.615 -0.487 -0.992 -0.993 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Y : num -0.304 -0.602 -0.239 -0.99 -0.995 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Z : num -0.404 -0.606 -0.269 -0.988 -0.992 ... $ avg-tBodyAccMag-std() : num -0.2197 -0.325 0.0199 -0.9271 -0.9819 ... $ avg-tGravityAccMag-std() : num -0.2197 -0.325 0.0199 -0.9271 -0.9819 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerkMag-std() : num -0.0745 -0.479 -0.0258 -0.9841 -0.9931 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroMag-std() : num -0.187 -0.149 -0.226 -0.935 -0.979 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerkMag-std() : num -0.325 -0.649 -0.307 -0.988 -0.995 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-std()-X : num -0.3191 -0.3374 0.0243 -0.9764 -0.996 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-std()-Y : num 0.056 0.0218 -0.113 -0.9173 -0.9723 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-std()-Z : num -0.28 0.086 -0.298 -0.934 -0.978 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-X : num -0.1336 -0.4619 -0.0863 -0.9875 -0.9951 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-Y : num 0.107 -0.382 -0.135 -0.983 -0.987 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-Z : num -0.535 -0.726 -0.402 -0.988 -0.992 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-std()-X : num -0.517 -0.566 -0.495 -0.978 -0.987 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-std()-Y : num -0.0335 0.1515 -0.1814 -0.9623 -0.9871 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-std()-Z : num -0.437 -0.572 -0.238 -0.944 -0.982 ... $ avg-fBodyAccMag-std() : num -0.398 -0.416 -0.187 -0.928 -0.982 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std() : num -0.103 -0.533 -0.104 -0.982 -0.993 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-std() : num -0.321 -0.183 -0.398 -0.932 -0.978 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std() : num -0.382 -0.694 -0.392 -0.987 -0.995 ... $ avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-X : num 0.277 0.255 0.289 0.261 0.279 ... $ avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-Y : num -0.01738 -0.02395 -0.00992 -0.00131 -0.01614 ... $ avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-Z : num -0.1111 -0.0973 -0.1076 -0.1045 -0.1106 ... $ avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-X : num 0.935 0.893 0.932 0.832 0.943 ... $ avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-Y : num -0.282 -0.362 -0.267 0.204 -0.273 ... $ avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-Z : num -0.0681 -0.0754 -0.0621 0.332 0.0135 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X : num 0.074 0.1014 0.0542 0.0775 0.0754 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y : num 0.028272 0.019486 0.02965 -0.000619 0.007976 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z : num -0.00417 -0.04556 -0.01097 -0.00337 -0.00369 ... $ avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-X : num -0.0418 0.0505 -0.0351 -0.0454 -0.024 ... $ avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-Y : num -0.0695 -0.1662 -0.0909 -0.0919 -0.0594 ... $ avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-Z : num 0.0849 0.0584 0.0901 0.0629 0.0748 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X : num -0.09 -0.1222 -0.074 -0.0937 -0.0996 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y : num -0.0398 -0.0421 -0.044 -0.0402 -0.0441 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z : num -0.0461 -0.0407 -0.027 -0.0467 -0.049 ... $ avg-tBodyAccMag-mean() : num -0.137 -0.1299 0.0272 -0.9485 -0.9843 ... $ avg-tGravityAccMag-mean() : num -0.137 -0.1299 0.0272 -0.9485 -0.9843 ... $ avg-tBodyAccJerkMag-mean() : num -0.1414 -0.4665 -0.0894 -0.9874 -0.9924 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroMag-mean() : num -0.161 -0.1267 -0.0757 -0.9309 -0.9765 ... $ avg-tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() : num -0.299 -0.595 -0.295 -0.992 -0.995 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-X : num -0.2028 -0.4043 0.0382 -0.9796 -0.9952 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-Y : num 0.08971 -0.19098 0.00155 -0.94408 -0.97707 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-Z : num -0.332 -0.433 -0.226 -0.959 -0.985 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-X : num -0.2075 -0.4187 -0.3074 -0.0495 0.0865 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-Y : num 0.1131 -0.1607 0.0632 0.0759 0.1175 ... $ avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-Z : num 0.0497 -0.5201 0.2943 0.2388 0.2449 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X : num -0.1705 -0.4799 -0.0277 -0.9866 -0.9946 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y : num -0.0352 -0.4134 -0.1287 -0.9816 -0.9854 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z : num -0.469 -0.685 -0.288 -0.986 -0.991 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-X : num -0.209 -0.377 -0.253 0.257 0.314 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-Y : num -0.3862 -0.5095 -0.3376 0.0475 0.0392 ... $ avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-Z : num -0.18553 -0.5511 0.00937 0.09239 0.13858 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-X : num -0.339 -0.493 -0.352 -0.976 -0.986 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-Y : num -0.1031 -0.3195 -0.0557 -0.9758 -0.989 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-Z : num -0.2559 -0.4536 -0.0319 -0.9513 -0.9808 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-X : num 0.0148 -0.1875 -0.1005 0.1892 -0.1203 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-Y : num -0.0658 -0.4736 0.0826 0.0631 -0.0447 ... $ avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-Z : num 0.000773 -0.133374 -0.075676 -0.029784 0.100608 ... $ avg-fBodyAccMag-mean() : num -0.1286 -0.3524 0.0966 -0.9478 -0.9854 ... $ avg-fBodyAccMag-meanFreq() : num 0.1906 -0.0977 0.1192 0.2367 0.2846 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean() : num -0.0571 -0.4427 0.0262 -0.9853 -0.9925 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-meanFreq() : num 0.0938 0.0854 0.0765 0.3519 0.4222 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean() : num -0.199 -0.326 -0.186 -0.958 -0.985 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-meanFreq() : num 0.268844 -0.219303 0.349614 -0.000262 -0.028606 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() : num -0.319 -0.635 -0.282 -0.99 -0.995 ... $ avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-meanFreq(): num 0.191 0.114 0.19 0.185 0.334 ... ————————————————————————————— head(all_avgs) activity subject avg-tBodyAcc-std()-X avg-tBodyAcc-std()-Y avg-tBodyAcc-std()-Z avg-tGravityAcc-std()-X 1 walking 1 -0.28374026 0.114461337 -0.26002790 -0.9766096 2 walking_upstairs 1 -0.35470803 -0.002320265 -0.01947924 -0.9563670 3 walking_downstairs 1 0.03003534 -0.031935943 -0.23043421 -0.9505598 4 sitting 1 -0.97722901 -0.922618642 -0.93958629 -0.9684571 5 standing 1 -0.99575990 -0.973190056 -0.97977588 -0.9937630 6 laying 1 -0.92805647 -0.836827406 -0.82606140 -0.8968300 avg-tGravityAcc-std()-Y avg-tGravityAcc-std()-Z avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-X avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-Y avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-Z 1 -0.9713060 -0.9477172 -0.11361560 0.0670025 -0.5026998 2 -0.9528492 -0.9123794 -0.44684389 -0.3782744 -0.7065935 3 -0.9370187 -0.8959397 -0.01228386 -0.1016014 -0.3457350 4 -0.9355171 -0.9490409 -0.98643071 -0.9813720 -0.9879108 5 -0.9812260 -0.9763241 -0.99460454 -0.9856487 -0.9922512 6 -0.9077200 -0.8523663 -0.95848211 -0.9241493 -0.9548551 avg-tBodyGyro-std()-X avg-tBodyGyro-std()-Y avg-tBodyGyro-std()-Z avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Y 1 -0.4735355 -0.054607769 -0.3442666 -0.2074219 -0.3044685 2 -0.5448711 0.004105184 -0.5071687 -0.6147865 -0.6016967 3 -0.4580305 -0.126349195 -0.1247025 -0.4870273 -0.2388248 4 -0.9772113 -0.966473895 -0.9414259 -0.9917316 -0.9895181 5 -0.9871919 -0.987734440 -0.9806456 -0.9929451 -0.9951379 6 -0.8735439 -0.951090440 -0.9082847 -0.9186085 -0.9679072 avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Z avg-tBodyAccMag-std() avg-tGravityAccMag-std() avg-tBodyAccJerkMag-std() avg-tBodyGyroMag-std() 1 -0.4042555 -0.21968865 -0.21968865 -0.07447175 -0.1869784 2 -0.6063320 -0.32497093 -0.32497093 -0.47899162 -0.1486193 3 -0.2687615 0.01988435 0.01988435 -0.02578772 -0.2257244 4 -0.9879358 -0.92707842 -0.92707842 -0.98412002 -0.9345318 5 -0.9921085 -0.98194293 -0.98194293 -0.99309621 -0.9786900 6 -0.9577902 -0.79514486 -0.79514486 -0.92824563 -0.8190102 avg-tBodyGyroJerkMag-std() avg-fBodyAcc-std()-X avg-fBodyAcc-std()-Y avg-fBodyAcc-std()-Z avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-X 1 -0.3253249 -0.31913472 0.05604001 -0.27968675 -0.1335866 2 -0.6485530 -0.33742819 0.02176951 0.08595655 -0.4619070 3 -0.3065106 0.02433084 -0.11296374 -0.29792789 -0.0863279 4 -0.9883087 -0.97641231 -0.91727501 -0.93446956 -0.9874930 5 -0.9947332 -0.99602835 -0.97229310 -0.97793726 -0.9950738 6 -0.9358410 -0.92443743 -0.83362556 -0.81289156 -0.9641607 avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-Y avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-Z avg-fBodyGyro-std()-X avg-fBodyGyro-std()-Y avg-fBodyGyro-std()-Z 1 0.1067399 -0.5347134 -0.5166919 -0.03350816 -0.4365622 2 -0.3817771 -0.7260402 -0.5658925 0.15153891 -0.5717078 3 -0.1345800 -0.4017215 -0.4954225 -0.18141473 -0.2384436 4 -0.9825139 -0.9883392 -0.9779042 -0.96234504 -0.9439178 5 -0.9870182 -0.9923498 -0.9874971 -0.98710773 -0.9823453 6 -0.9322179 -0.9605870 -0.8822965 -0.95123205 -0.9165825 avg-fBodyAccMag-std() avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std() avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-std() avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std() avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-X 1 -0.3980326 -0.1034924 -0.3210180 -0.3816019 0.2773308 2 -0.4162601 -0.5330599 -0.1829855 -0.6939305 0.2554617 3 -0.1865303 -0.1040523 -0.3983504 -0.3919199 0.2891883 4 -0.9284448 -0.9816062 -0.9321984 -0.9870496 0.2612376 5 -0.9823138 -0.9925360 -0.9784661 -0.9946711 0.2789176 6 -0.7983009 -0.9218040 -0.8243194 -0.9326607 0.2215982 avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-Y avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-Z avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-X avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-Y avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-Z 1 -0.017383819 -0.1111481 0.9352232 -0.2821650 -0.06810286 2 -0.023953149 -0.0973020 0.8933511 -0.3621534 -0.07540294 3 -0.009918505 -0.1075662 0.9318744 -0.2666103 -0.06211996 4 -0.001308288 -0.1045442 0.8315099 0.2044116 0.33204370 5 -0.016137590 -0.1106018 0.9429520 -0.2729838 0.01349058 6 -0.040513953 -0.1132036 -0.2488818 0.7055498 0.44581772 avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-X avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-Y 1 0.07404163 0.0282721096 -0.004168406 -0.04183096 -0.06953005 2 0.10137273 0.0194863076 -0.045562545 0.05054938 -0.16617002 3 0.05415532 0.0296504490 -0.010971973 -0.03507819 -0.09093713 4 0.07748252 -0.0006191028 -0.003367792 -0.04535006 -0.09192415 5 0.07537665 0.0079757309 -0.003685250 -0.02398773 -0.05939722 6 0.08108653 0.0038382040 0.010834236 -0.01655309 -0.06448612 avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-Z avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z avg-tBodyAccMag-mean() 1 0.08494482 -0.08999754 -0.03984287 -0.04613093 -0.13697118 2 0.05835955 -0.12223277 -0.04214859 -0.04071255 -0.12992763 3 0.09008501 -0.07395920 -0.04399028 -0.02704611 0.02718829 4 0.06293138 -0.09367938 -0.04021181 -0.04670263 -0.94853679 5 0.07480075 -0.09960921 -0.04406279 -0.04895055 -0.98427821 6 0.14868944 -0.10727095 -0.04151729 -0.07405012 -0.84192915 avg-tGravityAccMag-mean() avg-tBodyAccJerkMag-mean() avg-tBodyGyroMag-mean() avg-tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-X 1 -0.13697118 -0.14142881 -0.16097955 -0.2987037 -0.20279431 2 -0.12992763 -0.46650345 -0.12673559 -0.5948829 -0.40432178 3 0.02718829 -0.08944748 -0.07574125 -0.2954638 0.03822918 4 -0.94853679 -0.98736420 -0.93089249 -0.9919763 -0.97964124 5 -0.98427821 -0.99236779 -0.97649379 -0.9949668 -0.99524993 6 -0.84192915 -0.95439626 -0.87475955 -0.9634610 -0.93909905 avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-Y avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-Z avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-X avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-Y avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-Z 1 0.089712726 -0.3315601 -0.20754837 0.11309365 0.04972652 2 -0.190976721 -0.4333497 -0.41873500 -0.16069721 -0.52011479 3 0.001549908 -0.2255745 -0.30739520 0.06322008 0.29432270 4 -0.944084550 -0.9591849 -0.04951360 0.07594608 0.23882987 5 -0.977070848 -0.9852971 0.08651536 0.11747895 0.24485859 6 -0.867065205 -0.8826669 -0.15879267 0.09753484 0.08943766 avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-X 1 -0.17054696 -0.03522552 -0.4689992 -0.2092620 2 -0.47987525 -0.41344459 -0.6854744 -0.3770231 3 -0.02766387 -0.12866716 -0.2883347 -0.2531643 4 -0.98659702 -0.98157947 -0.9860531 0.2566108 5 -0.99463080 -0.98541870 -0.9907522 0.3141829 6 -0.95707388 -0.92246261 -0.9480609 0.1324191 avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-Y avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-Z avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-X avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-Y avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-Z 1 -0.38623714 -0.185530281 -0.3390322 -0.10305942 -0.25594094 2 -0.50949553 -0.551104284 -0.4926117 -0.31947461 -0.45359721 3 -0.33758970 0.009372239 -0.3524496 -0.05570225 -0.03186943 4 0.04754378 0.092392003 -0.9761615 -0.97583859 -0.95131554 5 0.03916190 0.138581479 -0.9863868 -0.98898446 -0.98077312 6 0.02451362 0.024387945 -0.8502492 -0.95219149 -0.90930272 avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-X avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-Y avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-Z avg-fBodyAccMag-mean() avg-fBodyAccMag-meanFreq() 1 0.014784499 -0.06577462 0.0007733216 -0.12862345 0.19064372 2 -0.187450248 -0.47357479 -0.1333739043 -0.35239594 -0.09774335 3 -0.100453729 0.08255115 -0.0756762068 0.09658453 0.11918714 4 0.189153021 0.06312707 -0.0297839207 -0.94778292 0.23665501 5 -0.120293021 -0.04471920 0.1006076351 -0.98535636 0.28455529 6 -0.003546796 -0.09152913 0.0104581257 -0.86176765 0.08640856 avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean() avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-meanFreq() avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean() avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-meanFreq() 1 -0.05711940 0.09382218 -0.1992526 0.2688443675 2 -0.44265216 0.08535241 -0.3259615 -0.2193033761 3 0.02621849 0.07649155 -0.1857203 0.3496138955 4 -0.98526213 0.35185220 -0.9584356 -0.0002621867 5 -0.99254248 0.42222010 -0.9846176 -0.0286057725 6 -0.93330036 0.26639115 -0.8621902 -0.1397750127 avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-meanFreq() 1 -0.3193086 0.1906634 2 -0.6346651 0.1142773 3 -0.2819634 0.1900007 4 -0.9897975 0.1847759 5 -0.9948154 0.3344987 6 -0.9423669 0.1764859 —————————————————————————————— summary(all_avgs) activity subject avg-tBodyAcc-std()-X avg-tBodyAcc-std()-Y avg-tBodyAcc-std()-Z avg-tGravityAcc-std()-X walking :30 Min. : 1.0 Min. :-0.9961 Min. :-0.99024 Min. :-0.9877 Min. :-0.9968
walking_upstairs :30 1st Qu.: 8.0 1st Qu.:-0.9799 1st Qu.:-0.94205 1st Qu.:-0.9498 1st Qu.:-0.9825
walking_downstairs:30 Median :15.5 Median :-0.7526 Median :-0.50897 Median :-0.6518 Median :-0.9695
sitting :30 Mean :15.5 Mean :-0.5577 Mean :-0.46046 Mean :-0.5756 Mean :-0.9638
standing :30 3rd Qu.:23.0 3rd Qu.:-0.1984 3rd Qu.:-0.03077 3rd Qu.:-0.2306 3rd Qu.:-0.9509
laying :30 Max. :30.0 Max. : 0.6269 Max. : 0.61694 Max. : 0.6090 Max. :-0.8296
avg-tGravityAcc-std()-Y avg-tGravityAcc-std()-Z avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-X avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-Y avg-tBodyAccJerk-std()-Z Min. :-0.9942 Min. :-0.9910 Min. :-0.9946 Min. :-0.9895 Min. :-0.99329
1st Qu.:-0.9711 1st Qu.:-0.9605 1st Qu.:-0.9832 1st Qu.:-0.9724 1st Qu.:-0.98266
Median :-0.9590 Median :-0.9450 Median :-0.8104 Median :-0.7756 Median :-0.88366
Mean :-0.9524 Mean :-0.9364 Mean :-0.5949 Mean :-0.5654 Mean :-0.73596
3rd Qu.:-0.9370 3rd Qu.:-0.9180 3rd Qu.:-0.2233 3rd Qu.:-0.1483 3rd Qu.:-0.51212
Max. :-0.6436 Max. :-0.6102 Max. : 0.5443 Max. : 0.3553 Max. : 0.03102
avg-tBodyGyro-std()-X avg-tBodyGyro-std()-Y avg-tBodyGyro-std()-Z avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-X avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Y Min. :-0.9943 Min. :-0.9942 Min. :-0.9855 Min. :-0.9965 Min. :-0.9971
1st Qu.:-0.9735 1st Qu.:-0.9629 1st Qu.:-0.9609 1st Qu.:-0.9800 1st Qu.:-0.9832
Median :-0.7890 Median :-0.8017 Median :-0.8010 Median :-0.8396 Median :-0.8942
Mean :-0.6916 Mean :-0.6533 Mean :-0.6164 Mean :-0.7036 Mean :-0.7636
3rd Qu.:-0.4414 3rd Qu.:-0.4196 3rd Qu.:-0.3106 3rd Qu.:-0.4629 3rd Qu.:-0.5861
Max. : 0.2677 Max. : 0.4765 Max. : 0.5649 Max. : 0.1791 Max. : 0.2959
avg-tBodyGyroJerk-std()-Z avg-tBodyAccMag-std() avg-tGravityAccMag-std() avg-tBodyAccJerkMag-std() avg-tBodyGyroMag-std() Min. :-0.9954 Min. :-0.9865 Min. :-0.9865 Min. :-0.9946 Min. :-0.9814
1st Qu.:-0.9848 1st Qu.:-0.9430 1st Qu.:-0.9430 1st Qu.:-0.9765 1st Qu.:-0.9476
Median :-0.8610 Median :-0.6074 Median :-0.6074 Median :-0.8014 Median :-0.7420
Mean :-0.7096 Mean :-0.5439 Mean :-0.5439 Mean :-0.5842 Mean :-0.6304
3rd Qu.:-0.4741 3rd Qu.:-0.2090 3rd Qu.:-0.2090 3rd Qu.:-0.2173 3rd Qu.:-0.3602
Max. : 0.1932 Max. : 0.4284 Max. : 0.4284 Max. : 0.4506 Max. : 0.3000
avg-tBodyGyroJerkMag-std() avg-fBodyAcc-std()-X avg-fBodyAcc-std()-Y avg-fBodyAcc-std()-Z avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-X Min. :-0.9977 Min. :-0.9966 Min. :-0.99068 Min. :-0.9872 Min. :-0.9951
1st Qu.:-0.9805 1st Qu.:-0.9820 1st Qu.:-0.94042 1st Qu.:-0.9459 1st Qu.:-0.9847
Median :-0.8809 Median :-0.7470 Median :-0.51338 Median :-0.6441 Median :-0.8254
Mean :-0.7550 Mean :-0.5522 Mean :-0.48148 Mean :-0.5824 Mean :-0.6121
3rd Qu.:-0.5767 3rd Qu.:-0.1966 3rd Qu.:-0.07913 3rd Qu.:-0.2655 3rd Qu.:-0.2475
Max. : 0.2502 Max. : 0.6585 Max. : 0.56019 Max. : 0.6871 Max. : 0.4768
avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-Y avg-fBodyAccJerk-std()-Z avg-fBodyGyro-std()-X avg-fBodyGyro-std()-Y avg-fBodyGyro-std()-Z Min. :-0.9905 Min. :-0.993108 Min. :-0.9947 Min. :-0.9944 Min. :-0.9867
1st Qu.:-0.9737 1st Qu.:-0.983747 1st Qu.:-0.9750 1st Qu.:-0.9602 1st Qu.:-0.9643
Median :-0.7852 Median :-0.895121 Median :-0.8086 Median :-0.7964 Median :-0.8224
Mean :-0.5707 Mean :-0.756489 Mean :-0.7110 Mean :-0.6454 Mean :-0.6577
3rd Qu.:-0.1685 3rd Qu.:-0.543787 3rd Qu.:-0.4813 3rd Qu.:-0.4154 3rd Qu.:-0.3916
Max. : 0.3498 Max. :-0.006236 Max. : 0.1966 Max. : 0.6462 Max. : 0.5225
avg-fBodyAccMag-std() avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-std() avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-std() avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-std() avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-X Min. :-0.9876 Min. :-0.9944 Min. :-0.9815 Min. :-0.9976 Min. :0.2216
1st Qu.:-0.9452 1st Qu.:-0.9752 1st Qu.:-0.9488 1st Qu.:-0.9802 1st Qu.:0.2712
Median :-0.6513 Median :-0.8126 Median :-0.7727 Median :-0.8941 Median :0.2770
Mean :-0.6210 Mean :-0.5992 Mean :-0.6723 Mean :-0.7715 Mean :0.2743
3rd Qu.:-0.3654 3rd Qu.:-0.2668 3rd Qu.:-0.4277 3rd Qu.:-0.6081 3rd Qu.:0.2800
Max. : 0.1787 Max. : 0.3163 Max. : 0.2367 Max. : 0.2878 Max. :0.3015
avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-Y avg-tBodyAcc-mean()-Z avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-X avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-Y avg-tGravityAcc-mean()-Z Min. :-0.040514 Min. :-0.15251 Min. :-0.6800 Min. :-0.47989 Min. :-0.49509
1st Qu.:-0.020022 1st Qu.:-0.11207 1st Qu.: 0.8376 1st Qu.:-0.23319 1st Qu.:-0.11726
Median :-0.017262 Median :-0.10819 Median : 0.9208 Median :-0.12782 Median : 0.02384
Mean :-0.017876 Mean :-0.10916 Mean : 0.6975 Mean :-0.01621 Mean : 0.07413
3rd Qu.:-0.014936 3rd Qu.:-0.10443 3rd Qu.: 0.9425 3rd Qu.: 0.08773 3rd Qu.: 0.14946
Max. :-0.001308 Max. :-0.07538 Max. : 0.9745 Max. : 0.95659 Max. : 0.95787
avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-X avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y avg-tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-X avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-Y Min. :0.04269 Min. :-0.0386872 Min. :-0.067458 Min. :-0.20578 Min. :-0.20421
1st Qu.:0.07396 1st Qu.: 0.0004664 1st Qu.:-0.010601 1st Qu.:-0.04712 1st Qu.:-0.08955
Median :0.07640 Median : 0.0094698 Median :-0.003861 Median :-0.02871 Median :-0.07318
Mean :0.07947 Mean : 0.0075652 Mean :-0.004953 Mean :-0.03244 Mean :-0.07426
3rd Qu.:0.08330 3rd Qu.: 0.0134008 3rd Qu.: 0.001958 3rd Qu.:-0.01676 3rd Qu.:-0.06113
Max. :0.13019 Max. : 0.0568186 Max. : 0.038053 Max. : 0.19270 Max. : 0.02747
avg-tBodyGyro-mean()-Z avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-X avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Y avg-tBodyGyroJerk-mean()-Z avg-tBodyAccMag-mean() Min. :-0.07245 Min. :-0.15721 Min. :-0.07681 Min. :-0.092500 Min. :-0.9865
1st Qu.: 0.07475 1st Qu.:-0.10322 1st Qu.:-0.04552 1st Qu.:-0.061725 1st Qu.:-0.9573
Median : 0.08512 Median :-0.09868 Median :-0.04112 Median :-0.053430 Median :-0.4829
Mean : 0.08744 Mean :-0.09606 Mean :-0.04269 Mean :-0.054802 Mean :-0.4973
3rd Qu.: 0.10177 3rd Qu.:-0.09110 3rd Qu.:-0.03842 3rd Qu.:-0.048985 3rd Qu.:-0.0919
Max. : 0.17910 Max. :-0.02209 Max. :-0.01320 Max. :-0.006941 Max. : 0.6446
avg-tGravityAccMag-mean() avg-tBodyAccJerkMag-mean() avg-tBodyGyroMag-mean() avg-tBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-X Min. :-0.9865 Min. :-0.9928 Min. :-0.9807 Min. :-0.99732 Min. :-0.9952
1st Qu.:-0.9573 1st Qu.:-0.9807 1st Qu.:-0.9461 1st Qu.:-0.98515 1st Qu.:-0.9787
Median :-0.4829 Median :-0.8168 Median :-0.6551 Median :-0.86479 Median :-0.7691
Mean :-0.4973 Mean :-0.6079 Mean :-0.5652 Mean :-0.73637 Mean :-0.5758
3rd Qu.:-0.0919 3rd Qu.:-0.2456 3rd Qu.:-0.2159 3rd Qu.:-0.51186 3rd Qu.:-0.2174
Max. : 0.6446 Max. : 0.4345 Max. : 0.4180 Max. : 0.08758 Max. : 0.5370
avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-Y avg-fBodyAcc-mean()-Z avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-X avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-Y avg-fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-Z Min. :-0.98903 Min. :-0.9895 Min. :-0.63591 Min. :-0.379518 Min. :-0.52011
1st Qu.:-0.95361 1st Qu.:-0.9619 1st Qu.:-0.39165 1st Qu.:-0.081314 1st Qu.:-0.03629
Median :-0.59498 Median :-0.7236 Median :-0.25731 Median : 0.007855 Median : 0.06582
Mean :-0.48873 Mean :-0.6297 Mean :-0.23227 Mean : 0.011529 Mean : 0.04372
3rd Qu.:-0.06341 3rd Qu.:-0.3183 3rd Qu.:-0.06105 3rd Qu.: 0.086281 3rd Qu.: 0.17542
Max. : 0.52419 Max. : 0.2807 Max. : 0.15912 Max. : 0.466528 Max. : 0.40253
avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-X avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Y avg-fBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-X Min. :-0.9946 Min. :-0.9894 Min. :-0.9920 Min. :-0.57604
1st Qu.:-0.9828 1st Qu.:-0.9725 1st Qu.:-0.9796 1st Qu.:-0.28966
Median :-0.8126 Median :-0.7817 Median :-0.8707 Median :-0.06091
Mean :-0.6139 Mean :-0.5882 Mean :-0.7144 Mean :-0.06910
3rd Qu.:-0.2820 3rd Qu.:-0.1963 3rd Qu.:-0.4697 3rd Qu.: 0.17660
Max. : 0.4743 Max. : 0.2767 Max. : 0.1578 Max. : 0.33145
avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-Y avg-fBodyAccJerk-meanFreq()-Z avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-X avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-Y avg-fBodyGyro-mean()-Z Min. :-0.60197 Min. :-0.62756 Min. :-0.9931 Min. :-0.9940 Min. :-0.9860
1st Qu.:-0.39751 1st Qu.:-0.30867 1st Qu.:-0.9697 1st Qu.:-0.9700 1st Qu.:-0.9624
Median :-0.23209 Median :-0.09187 Median :-0.7300 Median :-0.8141 Median :-0.7909
Mean :-0.22810 Mean :-0.13760 Mean :-0.6367 Mean :-0.6767 Mean :-0.6044
3rd Qu.:-0.04721 3rd Qu.: 0.03858 3rd Qu.:-0.3387 3rd Qu.:-0.4458 3rd Qu.:-0.2635
Max. : 0.19568 Max. : 0.23011 Max. : 0.4750 Max. : 0.3288 Max. : 0.4924
avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-X avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-Y avg-fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-Z avg-fBodyAccMag-mean() avg-fBodyAccMag-meanFreq() Min. :-0.395770 Min. :-0.66681 Min. :-0.50749 Min. :-0.9868 Min. :-0.31234
1st Qu.:-0.213363 1st Qu.:-0.29433 1st Qu.:-0.15481 1st Qu.:-0.9560 1st Qu.:-0.01475
Median :-0.115527 Median :-0.15794 Median :-0.05081 Median :-0.6703 Median : 0.08132
Mean :-0.104551 Mean :-0.16741 Mean :-0.05718 Mean :-0.5365 Mean : 0.07613
3rd Qu.: 0.002655 3rd Qu.:-0.04269 3rd Qu.: 0.04152 3rd Qu.:-0.1622 3rd Qu.: 0.17436
Max. : 0.249209 Max. : 0.27314 Max. : 0.37707 Max. : 0.5866 Max. : 0.43585
avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean() avg-fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-meanFreq() avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-mean() avg-fBodyBodyGyroMag-meanFreq() Min. :-0.9940 Min. :-0.12521 Min. :-0.9865 Min. :-0.45664
1st Qu.:-0.9770 1st Qu.: 0.04527 1st Qu.:-0.9616 1st Qu.:-0.16951
Median :-0.7940 Median : 0.17198 Median :-0.7657 Median :-0.05352
Mean :-0.5756 Mean : 0.16255 Mean :-0.6671 Mean :-0.03603
3rd Qu.:-0.1872 3rd Qu.: 0.27593 3rd Qu.:-0.4087 3rd Qu.: 0.08228
Max. : 0.5384 Max. : 0.48809 Max. : 0.2040 Max. : 0.40952
avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-mean() avg-fBodyBodyGyroJerkMag-meanFreq() Min. :-0.9976 Min. :-0.18292
1st Qu.:-0.9813 1st Qu.: 0.05423
Median :-0.8779 Median : 0.11156
Mean :-0.7564 Mean : 0.12592
3rd Qu.:-0.5831 3rd Qu.: 0.20805
Max. : 0.1466 Max. : 0.42630