- Using npm to install
npm install -g yarn
installed byyarn
yarn global add live-server
- Running
live-server some-folder
- Initialize package dependencies by yarn
yarn init
- Reinstall by yarn
yarn install
- Install babel cli
yarn global add babel-cli
- Install presets of babel
yarn add babel-preset-react babel-preset-env
- Uninstall global packages
yarn global remove babel-cli live-server
- Run script by yarn
yarn run some-script-name
JSX - Javascript XML
Compiled command by babel cli.
babel src/app.js --out-file=public/scripts/app.js --presets=env,react --watch
- JSX only have a single root. Syntax error
var tempalte = <h1>Something</h1><p>Others</p>;
var tempalte = <div><h1>Something</h1><p>Others</p></div>
ES6 arrow function
object - no longer bound with arrow functions.this
keyword - no longer bound.
Html attributes in JSX attributes converted
to beclassName
SCSS using
naming convention.- Block Element Modifier
- http://getbem.com/naming/
- Then an object that gets send to the store.
- Naming convention using upper case and underscore to separate the second word. e.g. INCREMENT_OTHER
- Reducer are pure function.
- Pure function meaing no interactive with member variables or global variables that only interactive with local scope variable.
- Never change state or action.
- Reducer are pure function.
- A component (HOC) that renders another component.
- Reuse code.
- Render hjacking
- Prop manipulation
- Abstract state