(Visually-attentive) Uncertainty-aware navigation method using deep neural networks

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

ORACLE: Library of Deep Learning-based Safe Navigation Methods

Please check out our wiki for more details about this work. We describe briefly below the workflow to derive learning-based navigation policies for our drone model.

The VAE code from the paper Semantically-enhanced Deep Collision Prediction for Autonomous Navigation using Aerial Robots can be found in this repo.

1) Setup simulation environment

Follow the instructions here: LMF_sim to set up the simulation workspace. You also need to install the NVIDIA GPU driver, CUDA toolkit, and cudnn to run Tensorflow on NVIDIA GPU. A typical procedure to install them can be found in Link, note that the exact versions may change depending on your system.

Additionally, create a conda environment:

# Follow the below procedure if you have CUDA 11
conda create -n oracle_env python=3.8 libffi=3.3
conda activate oracle_env
cd lmf_sim_ws/src/planning/ORACLE/
pip install -r requirements_cuda11.txt 

# OR follow the below procedure if you have CUDA 10.1 - cudnn 7.6
conda create -n oracle_env python=3.7 libffi=3.3
conda activate oracle_env
cd lmf_sim_ws/src/planning/ORACLE/
pip install -r requirements_cuda10_1.txt 

If you have CUDA 10.1 - cudnn 7.6, follow the instructions Here to install the TensorRT 6.0.1 python3 wheel file in oracle_env

If you would like to try out seVAE-ORACLE, install additional Python packages in oracle_env from seVAE repo

conda activate oracle_env
cd lmf_sim_ws/src/planning/sevae
pip3 install -e .

If you are using ROS version < Noetic, then you need to build geometry, geometry2, and vision_opencv packages with python 3 (for import tf, cv_bridge) following the below instructions.

Build geometry, geometry2 and vision_opencv with python 3 (NO need for ROS Noetic)

First, we need to get the path to our conda env:

conda activate oracle_env
which python

You should get something like this PATH_TO_YOUR_ORACLE_ENV/bin/python.

Then run the following commands (replace PATH_TO_YOUR_ORACLE_ENV with what you get in your terminal) to create and build a workspace containing geometry, geometry2, and vision_opencv packages:

mkdir ros_stuff_ws && cd ros_stuff_ws
mkdir src && cd src
git clone https://github.com/ros/geometry.git -b 1.12.0
git clone https://github.com/ros/geometry2.git -b 0.6.5
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git -b YOUR_ROS_VERSION
catkin config --install
catkin build geometry geometry2 vision_opencv -DSETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT=OFF

Don't forget to source this folder in your terminal

source ros_stuff_ws/devel/setup.bash
# or source ros_stuff_ws/install/setup.bash --extend

2) Generate training data:

Set EVALUATE_MODE = False and RUN_IN_SIM = True in config.py file.

Run in one terminal (NOT in conda virtual environment)

roslaunch rmf_sim rmf_sim.launch
roslaunch rmf_sim rmf_sim_sevae.launch

Open another terminal, source lmf_sim_ws workspace and run inside deep_collision_predictor folder (Note: remember to set PLANNING_TYPE=1 in config.py for seVAE-ORACLE!)

# conda activate oracle_env
python generate/generate_data_info_gain.py --save_path=path_to_folder

If --save_path is not specified, the default path in common_flags.py is used.

3) Process the training data:

Set TRAIN_INFOGAIN = False (for generating ORACLE data) or True (for labeling A-ORACLE data with Voxblox) in config.py file.

If labeling data for A-ORACLE, we need to run in one terminal (NO need to run this for ORACLE or seVAE-ORACLE)

roslaunch voxblox_ros voxblox_gazebo.launch

In another terminal, run

# conda activate oracle_env
python process/data_processing.py --load_path=path_to_folder --save_tf_path=path_to_folder

If --load_path or --save_tf_path is not specified, the default path in common_flags.py is used.
The tfrecord files created from data_processing.py are saved in save_tf_path.
Split the tfrecord files into 2 folders for training and validation (80/20 ratio).

4) Train the network:

Train ORACLE (collision prediction):

# conda activate oracle_env
python train/training.py --training_type=0 --train_tf_folder=path_to_folder --validate_tf_folder=path_to_folder --model_save_path=path_to_folder

Train seVAE-ORACLE (collision prediction):

# conda activate oracle_env
python train/training.py --training_type=1 --train_tf_folder=path_to_folder --validate_tf_folder=path_to_folder --model_save_path=path_to_folder

or train Attentive ORACLE (info-gain prediction):

# conda activate oracle_env
python train/training.py --training_type=2 --train_tf_folder=path_to_folder --validate_tf_folder=path_to_folder --model_save_path=path_to_folder

If --train_tf_folder or --validate_tf_folder or --model_save_path is not specified, the default path in common_flags.py is used.

5) Optimize the network for inference speed (with TensorRT, optional)

Note: For multi-GPU systems, you may need to export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 to run TensorRT, otherwise you can get some runtime errors.

Set the path to the .hdf5 file using --checkpoint_path when calling python scripts in optimize folder. The resulting .trt or .onnx files will be created in the main folder of this package.


# conda activate oracle_env
python3 optimize/convert_keras_cnn_to_tensorrt_engine.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE
python3 optimize/convert_keras_combiner_tensorrt_engine.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE
python3 optimize/convert_keras_rnn_to_tensorrt_engine.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE


# conda activate oracle_env
python3 optimize/convert_keras_combiner_tensorrt_engine_sevae.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE
python3 optimize/convert_keras_rnn_to_tensorrt_engine_sevae.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE

Attentive ORACLE

# conda activate oracle_env
python3 optimize/convert_keras_infogain_cnn_to_tensorrt_engine.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE
python3 optimize/convert_keras_infogain_predictor_to_tensorrt_engine.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE

or for predicting the information gain of only one step in every ... step in the future (use SKIP_STEP_INFERENCE_INFOGAIN param in config.py):

# conda activate oracle_env
python3 optimize/convert_keras_infogain_predictor_to_tensorrt_engine_light_inference.py --checkpoint_path=PATH_TO_HDF5_FILE

This can lead to even faster inference speed but will hurt the performance (SKIP_STEP_INFERENCE_INFOGAIN = 2 or 4 is recommended).

6) Evaluate the planner

Choose PLANNING_TYPE in config.py file (for evaluating A-ORACLE in sim, enable the RGB camera xacro in rmf_sim/rmf_sim/rotors/urdf/delta.gazebo)

If using Tensorflow model for inference, set COLLISION_USE_TENSORRT = False or INFOGAIN_USE_TENSORRT = False in config.py file and update the path to the weight files (.hdf5 files) in config.py.

If using TensorRT model for inference, set COLLISION_USE_TENSORRT = True or INFOGAIN_USE_TENSORRT = True in config.py file and update the path to the weight folders (containing .trt files) in config.py. Note: for multi-GPU systems, you may need to export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 to run TensorRT, otherwise you can get some runtime errors.

Change the world_file argument in rmf_sim.launch to choose the testing environment. We provide some testing environments in rmf_sim/worlds folder. Additionally, set rviz_en to true in rmf_sim.launch for visualization of the network's prediction. Please refer to the wiki for detailed instructions to run the demo simulations as well as documentation of parameters in config.py.


Set EVALUATE_MODE = True and RUN_IN_SIM = True in config.py file.

Run in one terminal (NOT in conda virtual environment)

roslaunch rmf_sim rmf_sim.launch

In another terminal, run

# conda activate oracle_env
source PATH_TO_lmf_sim_ws/devel/setup.bash
source PATH_TO_ros_stuff_ws/devel/setup.bash # only if your ROS version < Noetic
python evaluate/evaluate.py

Wait until you see the green text START planner printed out in the second terminal, then call the service to start the planner

rosservice call /start_planner "{}"

In the real robot (TO BE UPDATED!)

Follow the instructions here: LMF_ws to set up the software in the real robot.

Set RUN_IN_SIM = False in config.py file. Run

# conda activate oracle_env
source PATH_TO_lmf_ws/devel/setup.bash
python evaluate/evaluate.py

Wait until you see the green text START planner printed out in your terminal, then call the service to start the planner

rosservice call /start_planner "{}"


If you use this work in your research, please cite the following publications:

Motion Primitives-based Navigation Planning using Deep Collision Prediction

  author={Nguyen, Huan and Fyhn, Sondre Holm and De Petris, Paolo and Alexis, Kostas},
  booktitle={2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, 
  title={Motion Primitives-based Navigation Planning using Deep Collision Prediction}, 

Semantically-enhanced Deep Collision Prediction for Autonomous Navigation using Aerial Robots (accepted to IROS 2023)

      title={Semantically-enhanced Deep Collision Prediction for Autonomous Navigation using Aerial Robots}, 
      author={Mihir Kulkarni and Huan Nguyen and Kostas Alexis},


We would like to acknowledge the inspiration from rpg_public_dronet and badgr for the neural network architecture of our CPN. Additionally, the code for flightmare_wrapper.py is strongly inspired by the one of agile_autonomy.


You can contact us for any question: